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还包括高级装饰音课程。An advanced ornamentation tutorial is also included.

准宝石的石头用来做镶嵌装饰。Semi-precious stones were used for inlay ornamentation.

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收集船只模型、模型装饰品及机械模型。Collect models of ships , ornamentation of models and models of machines.

最有趣的装饰是发现雕刻的柱子和一个石头牌楼。The most interesting ornamentation is found on a frieze and an arch-stone.

本文还初步探讨了巴赫键盘作品装饰音的美学价值。We also discuss esthetics value about ornamentation in Bach's keyboard music.

臣不胜犬马怖惧之情,谨拜表以闻!Minister QuanMa ornamentation feeling of fear it, we worship the tables smell!

圣诞节期间,文森特家里使用的装饰品非常有品味。The ornamentation Vincent used to decorate his house at Christmas was very tasteful.

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结构如果太重修饰,行文如果太浮夸,那你写出来的东西就没救了。Too much ornamentation on the frame, or garishness in the pattern, and you're a goner.

这种以室内空间体验主导的酒店设计方式远比在空间中做装饰的设计方式更好。It is the interior spatial experience rather than ornamentation that shapes the design.

外壁纹饰网状,某些种尚具或为细小的穿孔。The ornamentation of extine is reticulate, reticulate- microperforate or microperforate.

索特萨斯不仅由于他设计中的顽皮机智也由于他装饰上的异想天开而出名。Mr. Sottsass was known for his playfulness and wit as well as his whimsical ornamentation.

这张照片显示,只有在胸甲,其独特的网状面装饰品。This photo shows only the carapace, with their distinctive reticulate surface ornamentation.

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铁路设施,为保护和装饰用的露天涂料系统。NF F 19-290-2002 Railway applications-outdoor paint systems for conservation and ornamentation.

我买回摆在卧室床头柜上的装饰品,婆婆不喜欢,她二话没说就给我扔了。The ornamentation that I bought for the bedstand in our bedroom was thrown away without a word.

本课题主要研究磁州窑瓷器装饰纹饰的艺术价值以及在现代设计中的应用。This research project mainly Cizhou porcelain decorative ornamentation of the artistic value as.

该属内两个组的种皮纹饰存在明显差异。In the Larix Mill, there are evident differences between two groups on the seed coat ornamentation.

在同样的专栏里,我曾写道,“做一名记者就是做一个证人,其余的那些都不过是点缀而已。In the same column, I wrote that “To be a journalist is to bear witness. The rest is no more than ornamentation.

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他们粗犷的建筑雕刻中既有整体岩石雕琢也有涂以灰泥为装饰。Their bold architectural sculpture is either integral with the stone monuments or is added as stucco ornamentation.

所有的装饰物都被省略以供营造清楚的视效,但请注意甚至装饰物本身都具有深厚的符号意义。All ornamentation is left out to create a clearer image, but note that even the ornaments do have profound symbolic meaning.

某些的极大的费用、大小和装饰哥特式教会是某些新教的上升的原因。The enormous cost, size and ornamentation of some of the Gothic churches were some of the reasons for the rise of protestantism.