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他正在学习加减法。He is learning to add and subtract.

那将无损于他的功绩。That will subtract nothing from his merit.

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孩子们学做加减法。The children are learning to add and subtract.

把所有快乐加起来减去所有痛苦。Add up all the pleasures, subtract all the pains.

你也应该学会加减法的心算。you also learn how to add and subtract in your head.

这小女孩已在学做加减法了。The little girl has begun to learn to add and subtract.

请扣除四分之一的钱由你自己支配使用。Please subtract a quarter of the money for your own use.

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需要被减去部分的选区如下图。Subtract parts of the selection to obtain the one below.

“减掉”这个欲望,你不要新的笔记本仍旧有的写。Subtract the desire, and you can write without acquiring.

他们的第一台机器能够加减乘除运算。Their first device could add, subtract , multiply and divide.

这名小学生能做加法和减法,但还没学会做除法。The pupil could add and subtract but hadn't learned to divide.

减去一点反应物的,化学势。Subtract a little bit of chemical potential from the reactants.

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他毫不迟疑地进行了文字系数项的相减。He did not hesitate to subtract terms with literal coefficients.

结果再减去昨天的最低点,你的止损单就下在这里。Subtract the result from yesterday's low, and place your stop there.

你在所有基于感知的技能检定和意志检定上受到-1的减值。You subtract 1 from all Wisdom-based skill checks and all Will saves.

入学第一年,多数孩子学习加减法。In their first year at school, most children learn to ADD and subtract.

您也应该看到加法操作和减法操作的返回值。You should also see the return values of the add and subtract operations.

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第一个公式是用220减去你的年龄从而得到你的最大心跳频率。For the first, subtract your age from 220 to find your maximum heart rate.

然后减去程序文本和共享的库文本使用的空间。Then you subtract the space used for program text and shared library text.

你会否用其他二线品牌来取代奢华品牌?Will you use any other cheaper brand like "Fion" to subtract luxury brand?