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中晚期文人画又大兴。Late in the literati paintings and style.

山东士族具有文化性和地方性。Shantung literati was cultural and regional.

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文人学士对牲畜没有了解。The literati had no understanding of livestock.

岁寒三友题材来源于文人画。Three friends of winter theme from literati paintings.

这个梦深深植根于文人梦之中。This dream deeply rooted in the dreams of the literati.

文人情结,使曹丕一生难以释怀。Literati complex was what that Cao Pi was always cheasing.

认为是文人相轻自古皆然的事。I considered that of all ages literati despised each other.

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“逸”是文人画的精神核心。"Ease" is the spiritual kernel of the printings of literati.

至少新文人画不外是残破的文人画罢了。New paintings up to the literati painting but just incomplete.

这固然和文人画特有的寄情功能有关。This is of course and literati paintings unique Jiqing function.

不要招惹浪子,文艺青年和中年男子。Don't go after wastrels , young literati nor the middle-aged men.

昆曲的出现,是文人戏曲形成的标志。The emergence of Kunqu symbolizes the formation of literati drama.

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这固然和文人画特有的寄情功能有关。This is, of course, and literati paintings unique Jiqing function.

这也正是过去以及现代许多文人雅士对其情有独钟的原因。This is the past and its modern literati a soft spot for many reasons.

文人画以普通水墨着笔,鲜用色彩。Literati paintings are executed in plain ink, often with minimal color.

中国诗歌文人化是中国诗歌的重要特征。The important characteristic of Chinas poems is that the poets are literati.

说到真性情,不免令人想起魏晋文人的潇洒来。When it comes to true temperament, is reminiscent of the literati pizazz to.

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昆曲的剧本大都是文人雅士精心创作的文学作品。Each Kunqu play was an exquisite literary work by some lofty-minded literati.

二是封建文人,三是文人渣滓,四是进步的知识分子。They are "I" image, feudal literati, literati dregs and progressive intelligence.

从初唐至中唐,是早期文人词创作的阶段。The creation period of Early Literati Ci-poetry is from Early Tang to Middle Tang.