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严重出血往往需要输血。Seere bleeding often requires blood transfusion.

输血后她很快就醒了过来。She soon came to her senses after a blood transfusion.

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最初,甚至动物向人输血也尝试过。At first, even animal- to- human transfusion was tried.

孕妇没有输血史或输液史。There is no history of blood transfusion and Transplantation.

输血本身充满残酷和传奇。Blood transfusion is itself infused with brutality and legendry.

结论血液光量子疗法可减少血小板输注无效。Conclusion UBIO can reduce refractoriness to platelet transfusion.

负责输液泵的设计开发与项目管理。Responsible for design and project management of transfusion pump.

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重度贫血者输血时速度宜缓慢。When specific weight anemia blood transfusion speed suitable slow.

这可能是第一次报道溶血性输血反应。This is probably the first reported hemolytic transfusion reaction.

目的为了解我区非溶血性输血反应的发生情况。Objective To find out incidence of non-hemolytic transfusion reactions.

目的探讨输液器对酚妥拉明的吸附作用及其影响因素。Objective To explore the absorption of phentolamine in transfusion system.

不提倡术前大量扩容及心包穿刺。Preoperative massive transfusion and pericardiocentesis are not advocated.

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现我们报告两例由抗CD36抗体引起的血小板输注无效。We report two cases of PLT transfusion refractoriness linked to anti-CD36.

科学输血对胃癌手术患者的意义。Significance of science transfusion of thd patients with gastric carcinoma.

小侯在医院输血后,不幸感染了艾滋病毒。Xiao Hou was stricken by AIDS when he had blood transfusion in the hospital.

结论保证不延误临床用血,以达到安全输血。Conclusion The methods might promise safe and not delayed use of transfusion.

对输血用血液进行筛查,可预防乙肝病毒和丙肝病毒传播。Screening blood used for transfusion can prevent transmission of HBV and HCV.

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输血是否能传播克-雅病是目前研究的热点。The focus is whether the CJD can be transmitted via blood transfusion or not.

安瓿消毒与输液引起污染的实验研究。Experimental study of infection caused by ampule disinfection and transfusion.

小黄在医院输血后,不幸感染了艾滋病毒。Xiao Huang was stricken by AIDS when he had blood transfusion in the hospital.