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竟把汤水溅到我衣服上了。The soup is spilt on my suit.

墨水撒在桌子上了。The ink has spilt on the desk.

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水由盆中溢出来了。The water spilt from the basin.

竟把汤水溅到我衣服上来了。The soup is spilt on my clothes.

水由桶中溅出来。The water spilt from the bucket.

那笨拙的侍者把汤泼了。The clumsy waiter spilt the soup.

试试在滑石粉上面走几步。Try walking in spilt talcum powder

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牛奶泼出了,哭也没有用。It's no use crying over spilt milk.

用块布把洒了的茶水吸干。Soak the spilt tea up with a cloth.

泼出的墨水不容易擦洗掉。The spilt ink won't scrub out easily.

我妈妈把溅出来的柳橙汁擦乾净。My mother wiped up spilt orange juice.

用一张吸墨纸把溅出来墨水吸掉。Use a blotter to take up the spilt ink.

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她用一块布抹去溢出的牛奶。She sopped up the spilt milk with a cloth.

那泼出的墨水已渗透到地毯里去了。That spilt ink has soaked into the carpet.

那个小孩洒得她全身都是牛奶。The child spilt the milk all over herself.

咖啡是你打翻的,也该由你擦干净。You spilt the coffee, so you mopped it up.

他的干预引起了混乱。His interference spilt over into confusion.

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她弄洒了他的饮料,忙说对不起。She spilt his drink and said , ' I'm sorry.

他从树上跌了下来,摔断了腿。He spilt out of the tree, and broke his leg.

我把咖啡打翻全洒在马克的文件上了。I've spilt my coffee all over Mark's papers!