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这种行为会使你的父母生气的。Such conduct is displeasing to your parents.

好吧我知道这个结论一定不让人快乐。Well, I understand that conclusion must be displeasing.

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然而,在什麽状况人与人的关系会变成不讨神喜悦?However, when does human relationships become displeasing to the Lord?

开始的时候我们并不认为夜间从船舱里走出来值夜是一件有趣的事情。To move from the cabin of our raft for a night-time watch is initially displeasing.

拒绝别人很难,有尤其是你不喜欢让别人不开心的时候。It's hard to turn people down, especially if you don't like displeasing other folks.

所以罗斯并想惹父母不高兴而使他们的婚姻没有好的开始。So Rose doesn't want to start their marriage off on the wrong foot by displeasing her parents.

但贪恋别人的东西是不讨神喜悦的,这表明你是一个自私的人。But coveting what others have is displeasing to God and will make you a pouting, selfish person.

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我们生下来就有一个罪性,这个罪性使我们所说,所想所做的不讨神的喜悦。We are all born with a sin nature that makes us think and say and do things that are displeasing to God.

虽然通常布局对功能没有任何影响,但是可能会使一些用户不快。Although the layout usually does not have any effect on functionality, it can be displeasing to some users.

在日常生活中,基督徒会做蒙神喜悦的事,他们同样会犯罪,不蒙神喜悦。Christians produce works pleasing to God, and they also commit sins displeasing to God every day of their lives.

然而贾斯廷·特鲁多的政府说了一些十分令北京喜悦的话——并且在同等程度上也伤了日本和美国的心。Trudeau's government did say something very pleasing to Beijing – and equally displeasing to Japan and the United States.

世界头号羽毛球男单选手林丹的教练吉新鹏11日在博客中证实,他与林丹确实发生了"不快",不过林丹事后已道歉。Ji Xinpeng said on his blog Friday that something "displeasing" did happen between Lin Dan and him but Lin apologized to him later.

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这将重点强调问题区域,但是同时它会将这些典型问题的更多的暴露出来,物理性的错误以及视觉环境上不好的地方等。This would accentuate the problem areas, but at the same time it would add this typical all-present, physically incorrect and visually displeasing ambience.

Palm粉丝可能不会介意,但那些从黑莓或者是使用虚拟键盘转过来的用户对此可能不会很满意。Palm aficionados probably won't mind, but those coming over from a BlackBerry or one of the many virtual options could easily find themselves in a displeasing situation.