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别嘌呤醇是一种合适的长期降尿酸药物。Allopurinol is an appropriate long term urate lowering therapy.

报告1例别嘌呤醇所致药物超敏综合征。A case of drug hypersensitivity syndrome caused by allopurinol was reported.

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本研究的目的是确定别嘌呤醇是否会降低PEP的发病率。The aim of this study was to determine if allopurinol decreases the rate of PEP.

目的探讨别嘌呤醇致重症药疹的临床特点。Objective To study of the clinical feature of severe drug eruption by allopurinol.

而且这个药物就是有肾脏病好像也能使用。Because allopurinol is not a uricosuric, it can be used in patients with poor kidney function.

此外,持续测量血压的降低直接与别嘌呤醇治疗相关。In addition, the decrease in ambulatory BP was directly correlated with allopurinol treatment.

目的制备别嘌醇缓释片并探讨其释药机理。Objective To prepare the allopurinol sustained-release tablets and study the release mechanism.

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降低尿酸的药物有别嘌呤醇以及其他一些正在研发的新药。Uric acid can be lowered by medications such as allopurinol and newer agents under development.

有趣的是,当使用别嘌呤醇时,脂质过氧化程度显著降低。Of interest, when allopurinol was given, a significant decrease in lipid peroxidation was observed.

这些代理商,如别嘌呤醇和丙磺舒,可全世界的安全和廉价。These agents, such as allopurinol and probenecid, are available worldwide and are safe and inexpensive.

在别嘌呤醇治疗期间,偶尔测量血压平均收缩压减少6.9毫米汞柱,舒张压减少5.1毫米汞柱。During allopurinol treatment, the average decrease in casual BP was -6.9 mm Hg systolic and -5.1 mm Hg diastolic.

Feig及其同事随机指定30明受试者接受别嘌呤醇或安慰剂治疗,为期4周,每天两次。Feig and colleagues randomly assigned thirty participants to receive either allopurinol or placebo twice daily for four weeks.

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结论别嘌呤醇药疹多表现为重症药疹,常见于老年人。Conclusions The common clical symptom of allopurinol druy eruption is severe druy erupting and old people easily suffers from it.

治疗组患者予别嘌呤醇控制血尿酸于正常范围内。The patients in the treatment group were treated with allopurinol or benzbromarone to control their uric acid to the normal range.

结论早期诊断并及时给予别嘌呤醇及静脉碱化利尿是治疗TLS的关键。Conclusions TLS can be effectively controlled by early recognition and administration of allopurinol therapy and alkalinization of urine.

研究人员也发现,别嘌呤醇治疗期间,24小时动态血压平均变化是收缩压-6.3毫米汞柱,舒张压-4.6毫米汞柱。The researchers also found that average changes in 24-hour ambulatory BP during allopurinol were -6.3 mm Hg, systolic and -4.6, diastolic.

调查显示,「别嘌醇」含毛霉菌是由于粉末打成颗粒前延放所致。An investigation had shown that the presence of the fungus was caused by an undue delay in turning the allopurinol drug powder into tablets.

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静脉大剂量别嘌呤醇治疗重度窒息新生儿效果好,未见毒副作用。High dose of allopurinol was proved to have a goodprotective effect in neonatal infant with asphyxia and no poisonous side effects was found.

目的探讨别嘌呤醇引起的各型药疹的预后与肾功能的关系。Objective To investigate the relationship between the prognosis of the various types of allopurinol -induced drug eruption and renal function.

介绍别嘌醇的物理性质、制备方法,并讨论别嘌醇在临床中的广泛应用。The physical property and preparing method of Allopurinol are introduced. And a wide range of applications of allopurinol in clinic are reviewed.