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瓜达尔港是梦想与现实的相互冲突的战场。Gwadar is where dreams clash with reality.

瓜达尔正好位于中国重要的石油大动脉上。Gwadar lies right on China’s vital oil artery.

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瓜达尔深水港项目采取分期建设。Gwadar Deep Water Port shall be built in phases.

中国还帮助巴基斯坦建造瓜达尔深海港口。China is also helping Pakistan build the Gwadar deep-sea port.

图为首艘货轮停靠在瓜达尔港。The picture shows the first cargo ship anchors at Gwadar Port.

瓜达尔港使中国西部获得进入阿拉伯海的通道,这已引起印度和美国不安。Gwadar Port has given western China access to the Arabian Sea, which has upset India and the US.

中国为瓜达尔港口的建设提供了财政资助,已经接手了它的运作。China which provided financial assistance to build Gwadar port has already taken over its operations.

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阿拉伯海岸的瓜达尔港口,是中巴友谊的见证。The port of Gwadar on Pakistan's Arabian Sea coast is a testament to China's friendship with Pakistan.

从瓜达尔伸向东北,一直延伸到喀喇昆仑公路,然后进入中国的几条新公路,一条铁路和一条天然气管道正在建设中。New roads, a railroad, and a gas pipeline are building northeast from Gwadar to the KKH, then into China.

其中一个主要项目是为瓜达尔港自由贸易区征地,征地成本为63亿卢比。One eof the main projects is acquisition of land for the Gwadar free trade zone at a cost of Rs6.3 billion.

瓜达尔将使中国的不断扩大的海军在印度洋和海湾地区拥有供应基地和庇护所。Gwadar will afford China’s expanding navy a supply base and safe haven that gives onto the Indian Ocean and Gulf.

从长远计划来看,中国预计铺设经瓜达尔港的石油和天然气管道,以满足其能源需求。Under a long-term plan, China is expected to lay oil and gas pipelines through Gwadar Port to meet its energy needs.

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“瓜达尔港不仅将加强巴基斯坦和中国之间的商业贸易,也将加强该地区的贸易。”扎尔达里说。"Gwadar port will enhance trade and commerce not only between Pakistan and China but also in the region, " said Zardari.

通过资料分析、现场勘察和数学模型,对瓜达尔港的波浪及波浪输沙问题进行了研究。From data analysis of field survey and numerical model, wave and wave induced sediment transport of Gwadar Harbor is studied.

中国在巴拥有巨额投资,如援建阿拉伯海岸的瓜德尔港,以便获取海湾石油供应。It has big investments there, including building the Gwadar port on Pakistan's Arabian Sea coast to give it access to Gulf oil supplies.

作为巴基斯坦的一个长期盟友,中国正在帮助这个国家实现其核能抱负,并正在阿拉伯海边的瓜达尔建造一个深水港。China, a longtime ally of Pakistan, is helping that nation fulfill its nuclear energy ambitions and is building a deep-water port at Gwadar on the Arabian Sea.

周二,印度报业托拉斯通讯社报道,中国从新加坡国际港务集团中接手了对瓜达尔深水港的控制权,中国默认了此报道。China tacitly confirmed reports of taking operational control of Gwadar deep-water port from Singapore's PSA International, reported news agency Press Trust of India on Tuesday.

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印度已然感到被中国包围,并极大地扩充了在该国南部加尔瓦尔的海军基地,其部分原因就是以此作为对中国在瓜达尔建设工程的回应。India already feels surrounded by China and has greatly enlarged its own naval base at Karwar, in the country's south, partly in response to Chinese construction work in Gwadar.