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我尝试去描画它。The way I've tried to depict it.

卡萨克舞蹈可以经常描绘天气事件。Kathak dancing can often depict weather events.

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而且你经常塑造主导性的女性角色。Also, you often depict dominant female characters.

用关连线描绘出强弱关系。Relationship lines depict strength of relationship.

作家试图摹写落日的光彩。The author tried to depict the splendor of the sunset.

为在和平时期,只有笔才能刻画出战争的伟大。In times of peace, only a pen can depict the great war.

概括本文的大意和描写方法。Epitomize the general idea , the depict way of the text.

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概括本文的怠忽和描写举措。Epitomize the genering idea . the depict way of the text.

这幅图以铁线描的方式,描绘两个骑马的人。The lines, drawn like iron wires, depict two men on horses.

城市形态是用来描绘城市建成环境的术语词汇。Urban form is a term to depict the urban built environment.

后两行诗描述了湖泊像银盘中的宝玉,君山在月光笼罩下显得更加郁郁葱葱。The next two lines depict the lake like a gem set in a ring.

这系列的图片描述的是苏联时期古拉格囚犯们的生活。These drawings depict the life of the Soviet Gulag prisoners.

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业务规则描述和规定了组织机构的政策方针。Business rules depict and enforce the policy of an organization.

九寨沟的风光,因它的内涵丰富,很难以一字穷述,还须继续探幽发微。It is hard to fully depict Jiuzhaigou’s rich beauty with one word.

不同的植物描绘出恒星、球状星团,甚至还有星云。Different plants depict stars, globular clusters, and even nebulas.

换句话说,并不描述它自己对应于默认图的图标。In other words, do not depict the icon for the default diagram itself.

刘在邦的小说书写了煤矿工人的坚忍与悲命。Liu's fictions depict the perseverance and tragic fate of coal miners.

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这是因为描画或雕刻人像在他们的宗教里是不被允许的。This was because it was against their religion to depict human beings.

欧梅克头像是描述成功走过大西洋而来的非洲人吗?Could the Olmec heads depict African visitors from across the Atlantic?

武侠故事描述勇敢仁慈、有著高超武艺的英雄人物。Wuxia stories depict brave, kind heroes with extraordinary fighting skills.