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砍下一段棒枝削成杆。And cut and peeled a hazel wand.

玫瑰水、金缕梅、芦荟。Rose Water, Aloe Vera, Witch Hazel.

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真正的淡褐色眼睛,而且熠熠发光!The true hazel eye-and so brilliant!

接着,到我们经常去的小榛树林。Then on to our old haunt, the hazel grove.

使葫芦胀大,鼓起了榛子壳To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells

喙及假喙柱状,淡褐色,分隔。Their beaks were columnar, hazel and septation.

我打电话给一个朋友,她推荐我试试金缕梅。Called a friend and she said to try witch hazel.

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他们便站在浓荫的榛树下。They were standing in the shade of hazel bushes.

榛睡鼠与其它动物有着截然不同的生命道路The Hazel Dormouse has a distinctly different way of life

他有很好看的黑褐色头发,眼睛是淡绿褐色的。His hair was a fine dark brown, his eyes a greenish hazel.

成鸟全身大致为暗褐色,羽绿淡褐色。An adult eagle is dark brown with hazel head and neck feathers.

乡鼠正坐在榛树丛下摘硬果。The country mouse was sitting under a hazel thicket plucking nuts.

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至今,PTES已经在全球12个国家将600多只榛睡鼠放归自然。Over 600 Hazel Dormice have been released into 12 counties by PTES.

它能促进肌肤更新,去除面部多余油脂和杂质。Witch hazel refreshes your skin, and removes excess oils and impurities.

Hazel是一名默基瑟德的女性形式化身。她是一名沉降之子。Hazel is a melchezidek incarnate in a female form. she is a descending son.

在我跨出门坎之前,我要把他的肋骨捣碎得像颗烂棒子!I'll crush his ribs in like a rotten hazel nut before I cross the threshold!

以金缕梅丰富提炼品,牛蒡根提炼品,芦荟薇拉叶。Enrich with Witch Hazel Extract, Burdock Root Extract, Aloe Vera Leaf Extract.

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有一个长着雀斑的、淡褐色眼睛的小女孩会跟着我们。There was that freckled little girl with her hazel eyes who would come with us.

栗色和桃色的组合,橘黄色和珊瑚色加上淡褐色。A mix of maroons and peach, tangerine and coral are introduced by a gold-green hazel.

1998年我们推出了第一款无酒精的芦荟配方金缕梅水。In 1998 we introduced the first ever ALCOHOL-FREE WITCH HAZEL with Aloe Vera Formula.