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克服不良嗜好。Overcome an addiction.

我的工作就像是一个嗜好。My work was like an addiction.

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麻醉品成瘾是在不知不觉中的。Narcotics addiction is insidious.

不过通常还是癖嗜最终获胜。In the end the addiction usually wins.

药物成瘾和赌博诱发犯罪。Drug addiction and gambling induce crimes.

面对瘾头我怎麽还能如此盲目?How could I be so blind to this addiction?

把戒瘾当做你的使命。Make it your mission to rid your addiction.

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或许,你需要治疗网瘾。Maybe you need internet addiction treatment?

他坦承,对中国一往情深。China was, he confessed, an addiction with him.

脑科学关于瘾症的最近研究The relevance of recent addiction brain science

他从未能戒除烟瘾。He has never conquered his addiction to smoking.

他需要钱来满足他的赌瘾。He needed money to feed his addiction to gambling.

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我们离不开电脑也是问题之一。Our addiction to computers is one of the problems.

到目前为止,这些规定使我们还不至于上瘾。So far the rules have kept us safe from addiction.

那么强迫购买行为是一种成瘾症吗?So could compulsive buying be an addiction disorder?

但上瘾并非是一种大脑状态,它指的是行为。But addiction is not a brain state, it is a behavior.

她支持他当药物成瘾无法自拔时。She stood by him as he spiralled into drug addiction.

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最终,性上瘾症是对自身的曲解。Ultimately, sex addiction is a distortion of the self.

我因为吸烟成瘾接受了厌恶疗法的治疗。I underwent aversion therapy for my addiction to smoking.

这就是为什么有人把过量饮食比作吸毒。That's why overeating has been likened to drug addiction.