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现在他面临着意大利媒体的恶毒攻击。Now he faces virulent attacks from the Italian media.

在某些人身上这类事会引起他们对黑皮肤的人的刻骨仇恨。It woke in some men a virulent hatred of a black skin.

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犬、水貂的犬瘟热、犬细小病毒等病毒性疾病。Dog, mink distemper, dog tiny virus and so on virulent diseases.

当病毒再次流行时,毒力有可能更强。When it recurs, there’s the possibility it could be more virulent.

诺沃克类病毒胃肠炎星状病毒性胃肠炎。Wouk kind of virus gastroenteritis astroid virulent gastroenteritis.

卫生专家担心这一现象归咎于一种毒力更强的新菌种。Health experts are worried that a new, more virulent strain may be to blame.

诺沃克类病毒胃肠炎肠腺病毒性贾肠炎。Nuowoke kind of virus gastroenteritis intestinal glands virulent Jia Changyan.

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肺鼠疫是鼠疫的最致命和极少见的类型。Pneumonic form of plague is the most virulent and least common form of plague.

该病毒是否会产生变异,成为毒性更强的病毒株,仍有等观察。It remains to be seen whether the virus will mutate into a more virulent strain.

应用有毒或放射性化学物品时注意保护自己。Applies virulent or when the radiochemistry goods pays attention protects oneself.

果实继续贮藏,雀斑型病斑可发育成为腐败型病斑。Freckle spots would develop into virulent spots if fruits were stored continuously.

它是美国历史上最邪恶的街头黑帮组织之一所做的案子。It was the handiwork of one of the most virulent street gangs in America's history.

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分泌性蛋白酶是红色毛癣菌致病的潜在毒力因子。Secreted proteases are thought as potential virulent factors of Tricophyton rubrum.

为防制这一高致病力IBD的发生,一些新的免疫方法迎应而生。This has led to some novel approaches to preventing this highly virulent form of IBD.

对苜蓿地菟丝子进行种子库调查,并研究了地乐胺对苗期菟丝子的防除效果。The seed of virulent weed Cuscuta chineneie Lam in the alfalfa filed was investigated.

用弓形虫速殖子腹腔攻击感染小鼠,观察小鼠的生存时间。All mice were challenged with highly virulent tachyzoites to observe the survival time.

有疫苗的,可以用免疫接种来预防H5和H7型禽流感感染。Vaccination against potentially virulent H5 and H7 serotypes, where these are available.

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能轻易找到怀有恶意的种族主义者文学的地方不多,枪支展算得上其中之一。And one of the few places you can easily find virulent racist literature is at a gun show.

结论实验用昆明小鼠中存在鼠痘病毒强毒株感染。Conclusion The infection of virulent strain of mouse poxvirus exists in experimental mice.

莎朗斯通你这个没有良知,灭绝人性,低能恶毒的女人。Sharon StoneYour this does not have the conscience, inhuman, feeble-minded virulent woman.