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你们有注意到前置词结尾吗?Did you catch the prepositional ending?

这个介词短语的作用是什么?What is the function of the prepositional phrase?

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当其充当同位语时,亦可省略。This is also true to appositive prepositional phrases.

添加个副词或副词词组或介词词组。Add an adverb or adverb phrase, or prepositional phrase.

在一个句子里,最多只能有一个介词短语。In one sentence, at most one prepositional phrase is allowed.

由此可见,命题逻辑只反映了一部分逻辑规律。Thus prepositional logic can only expressparts of the logic rules.

在他们的领域里,介词多义研究占据重要地位。In their research, the prepositional polysemy takes important place.

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一个介词与它其后的受词一并被称为“介词片语”。A preposition together with its object is termed " prepositional phrase".

状语通常由副词,副词短语或介词短语构成。Adverbials are usually adverbs, adverb phrases, or prepositional phrases.

该制度是澳大利亚解决所有家庭纠纷的前置程序。It is the prepositional procedure to solve all the family disputes in Australia.

本论文对处所介词短语进行功能研究。This dissertation adopts a functional approach to locative prepositional phrases.

但两者冲突也是明显的,前置程序在实现效益价值的同时,使公平价值受到很大损害。Prepositional procedure do a great harm to fairness when it realizes the value of benefit.

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英语介词的多义研究是认知语言学的热点之一。The study of English prepositional polysemy is one of the hot issues in cognitive linguistics.

后面部分我们会谈及更多的介词和介词短语。There are many more prepositions and prepositional phrases and we'll cover them on recording two.

从语义学的角度,对介词短语表进行意义的用法进行探讨。This paper deals With the usage of prepositional phrase indicating continuous sense in view of semantics.

表示方式义及工具、处所、对象等语义的介词结构也可以构成方式状语。The prepositional phrase those express manner, instruments, locative and object can form manner adverbial.

处所宾语句与对应的介词宾语句之间存在系统差别。There exist systematic differences between CLO and their corresponding sentences with prepositional objects.

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公平和效益是证券民事侵权诉讼前置程序的重要价值。Fairness and benefit are important value of prepositional procedure of litigation of securities infringement.

此外,处所介词短语主要由处所介词加名词词组组合而成。In addition, a locative prepositional phrase is mainly composed of a locative preposition and a nominal group.

介词短语“给我”加上动词短语用于祈使句有两种意义。The prepositional phrase "give me" and the verbal phrase used in the imperative sentence have two kinds of meaning.