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她的弱点?Her weakness?

凡胎就是缺点。Mortality is weakness.

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他承认自己的短处。He admitted his weakness.

那只是一时糊涂。It was a moment of weakness.

好的,我先承认一个嗜好。OK, I'll confess a weakness.

她对小狗宠爱有加。She has a weakness for puppy.

这是一个潜在的弱点。That is a potential weakness.

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你应清楚自己的弱点。You should know your weakness.

在弱点和失败上痴缠。Dwell on weakness and failures.

这个国王只有一个致命的弱点。The king had only one weakness.

因为我的一念之差。I just had a moment of weakness.

找出你的弱点。Identify the weakness. 'Fess up.

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我们都有小的弱点。We all have our little weakness.

不错,虚荣的确是个弱点。Yes, vanity is a weakness indeed.

那就是我的愚蠢和你的软弱。It was my folly, and thy weakness.

我知道他看到甜食就没辙。I know he has a weakness for sweets.

我对英式封面的书毫无抵抗力。I have a weakness for British covers.

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我们不敢以怯弱来引诱他们。We dare not tempt them with weakness.

我们不敢以示弱去诱惑他们。We dare not tempt them with weakness.

你的优劣势是什么?What are your strengths and weakness?