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我遇见她纯属偶然。I met her by accident.

出生的造化。the accident of birth.

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他死于一次事故。He died in an accident.

我认识她纯属偶然。I knew her by accident.

她遭遇了一场车祸。She had a car accident.

那次事故使他跛足了。The accident lamed him.

我们遇到一起车祸。Weve had a car accident.

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他去世于一场变乱。He died from an accident.

他们的相见纯属偶然。They met by pure accident.

绝妙的观念决非偶然。Good ideas are no accident.

你目睹了整场事故?。You witnessed the accident?

我们偶然相会。We met together by accident.

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但是后来我们遇到了意外。But then we had the accident.

总理坚持说那是一场事故。He insists it was an accident.

他在那次飞机失事中遇险身亡。He was killed in air accident.

抱歉易希有点小意外!Sorry , Izzy. Little accident.

他在这起事故中摔断了一条腿。He broke a leg in the accident.

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他对这次事故感到惊慌失措。He panicked over this accident.

一场事故发生了,但我们还不知道详情。The accident happened at 3p. m.

出事路段为双向两车道。Two-way two-lane road accident.