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你想让我去营救色雷斯上尉?You want me to rescue captain thrace ?

“农场”那集中,治疗卡拉·瑟瑞丝的医生的名字是?。Name the doctor who treated Kara Thrace in "The Farm".

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他们在色雷斯生活了许多年,并且生了一个儿子,名叫意大拉斯。For years they lived in Thrace and had one son, Itylus by name.

在山姆·安德斯认为卡拉·瑟瑞斯已经死去之后,他和谁同眠?Who does Sam Anders sleep with after he believes Kara Thrace is dead?

他带领军队征服印度河谷,征服欧洲的色雷斯。He led conquering armies into the Indus River valley and into Thrace in Europe.

卡拉·瑟瑞斯在她妈妈的壁橱里面藏了什么以报复一次惩罚?What did Kara Thrace place in her mother's closet to get revenge for a punishment?

他们在新卡不利卡的神秘经历是什么?What was that secret experience that Lee Adama and Kara Thrace shared on New Caprica?

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尽管我知道,前世和今生从未到过色雷斯。Though I know that I have never been in Thrace before. Not in this life – or any other.

当卡拉·瑟瑞斯将安德斯留在卡布里卡的时候,他答应她做什么事,直到她回来?When Kara Thrace leaves Anders behind on Caprica, what does he promise to do until her return?

这个受新古典风潮影响的小镇,位于色雷斯地区里希腊东北的中心城市萨丁。The neo-Classical-influenced old town in Xanthi, the centerpiece city in the northeastern Greek region of Thrace.

显然,不失时机是十分重要的,而时机则取决于保加利亚和色雷斯的敌军的进攻力量如何。Obviously timing is vital, and dependent upon what is the aggressive strength of the enemy in Bulgaria and Thrace.

“信念”这集中,当雅典娜连同卡拉·瑟瑞丝前往基地之星时,随同的一群八号劝她做什么?When "Athena" travels with Kara Thrace to a Baseship in "Faith", what do a group of her fellow Eights ask her to do?

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星芭在舰队学院凭借她在哪种运动中的技能得到了奖学金?Future hotshot pilot Kara "Starbuck" Thrace received a scholarship to the Fleet Academy based on her skill in what game?

在卡拉·瑟瑞斯迫降在沙漠化卫星之后,罗斯林为什么在搜救行动上与阿达玛争论?After Kara Thrace crash-lands on a deserted moon, why does Roslin argue with William Adama about the search-and-rescue mission?

是从亚历山大大帝的帝国分割出来的,领土范围包括从色雷斯到印度边境的广大地区,其中涵盖了巴比伦尼亚、叙利亚和安纳托利亚。Carved from Alexander the Great's empire, the Seleucid domain stretched from Thrace to the border of India and included Babylonia, Syria, and Anatolia.

在“放下你的负担”中,当卡拉·瑟瑞斯前来帮助他们逃离卡布里卡时,安德斯和他的抵抗战士们正在做什么?What are Anders and his resistance fighters right in the middle of doing when Kara Thrace arrives to help them escape from Caprica in "Lay Down Your Burdens "?

正当我们所谈及的这些事情在潘诺尼亚和日耳曼发生之时,在色雷斯发生了汹汹的叛乱,该行省的所有部族都揭竿而起武装自己。While the events of which we have spoken were taking place in pannonia and in germany a fierce rebellion arose in thrace and all its clans were aroused to arms.

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海军直航希腊半岛,陆军则绕道色雷斯向北希腊的第一天险潭碧谷进攻。The navy is sail through to the peninsula of Greece, the ground force makes a detour in Thrace the first natural barrier pool and green valley of Greece are attacked northwards.

土耳其欧洲部分的领土主要是色雷斯盆地,内部为起伏平缓的草原,黑海沿岸有伊斯特兰贾山,以南是丘陵。The territory of Turkey in the European part is mainly Thrace Basin, the interior of which is even grassland, the coast of the Black Sea is Istrance Hill, the south of the Black Sea is hills.