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这些树每年结实。These trees fruit annually.

这些树每年结果子。These trees fruit annually.

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这些桔树每年都结果子。These orange trees fruit annually.

年人每年只感冒一至两次或更少。As few as one or two colds annually.

会员资格费为每年人民币100元。RMB100 annually to qualify for membership.

我是每周、每月还是每年查一次?And do I do so weekly, monthly or annually?

迪奥普几乎每年都长途跋涉回到老家。Diop has made the trek back almost annually.

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许多侯鸟每年都会来这湖里作短暂逗留。Many migratory birds visit this lake annually.

一年一度的农历六月初六,是羌民族的祭山会。The ceremony is held annually in lunar June 6.

这个捐献每年生可使用的利息所得。Spendable earnings accrue on the gift annually.

该协会每年出版其会员名单。The society publish its list of member annually.

俄罗斯每年输出1,500亿立方米天然气至欧洲.Russia exports 150 bcm of gas to Europe annually.

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每一年它被将授予给一位食品药品管理局的员工。It will be given to a F.D.A. staff member annually.

我们必须治理那些每年泛滥的河流。We must harness the rivers which overflow annually.

同一日期每年属于星期几都是变化的。The day of the week drifts annually for a given date.

年平均降水量不足140毫米。Average precipitation is not more than 140 mm annually.

马拉博就是其中一所每年都被影响的学校。Malabo is one of the schools that is affected annually.

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每年,曼特尔兵站吸引大约十亿游客。Ord Mantell attracts about a billion tourists annually.

每年这种无脊椎动物要销售120万只。About 12 million of the invertebrates are sold annually.

每年4月25日纪念非洲疟疾日。Africa Malaria Day is commemorated annually on 25 April.