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武昌起义使很多热血志士首次经受革命的洗礼。Many revolutionary devotees were blooded in Wuchang Uprise.

啊哈,每次我们聊天的时候,我微笑着起义对抗像闪烁的明星。Hah, everytime when we chat, my smile uprise like the blink of the star.

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可能年少的心太柔软,经不起风,经不起浪。The possible young heart to be too soft, after does not get windy, after not uprise.

黄麻起义是探索中国革命成功道路的一面光辉旗帜。Jute uprise is banner of brightness of one side of viatic of success of exploration China revolution.

新中国民航事业的创立与周恩来正确领导“两航”起义有着密切关系。Of career of new China civil aviation found to be led correctly with Zhou En " two boat " uprise is having affinity.

他们找回的手感和前途无量的新秀们将最终让这支球队取得巨大的进步。The team appears confident that its returning cast and promising rookies will result in a team vastly on the uprise.

起义震惊了罗马的统治集团,激化了元老院中贵族派和平民派的矛盾。Uprise shocked regnant group of Rome, become acute clique of the noble in curia and the contradiction that civilian sends.

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假期马上就要到了,如何安排你的日程,去郊外野游,去登高望远或是去逛街采购。Holiday should arrive immediately, how to plan your program, go outskirts excursion, go uprise looks far or it is to go shopping purchase.

结论下蹲挺上挺发力所需力小,但是撑铃和起立的稳定性差。Conclusion The jerk force of drop jerk is smaller than the others, but its stability is very bad in drop under the barbell and uprise phases.

也许开拓者公关部门选错了宣传主题,我们的年轻人对上中国大坦克总是没办法。Maybe the Blazers PR department shouldn't have used the "Rip City Uprise" theme. Uprisings historically have had a bad record against huge Chinese tanks.

敖德萨的群众对水兵们的遭遇非常同情,义愤填膺,纷纷声援起义的水兵。Ao Desa's masses is right bluejacket people experience sympathizes with very much, be filled with indignation, support the bluejacket of uprise in succession.

本片以一段奇异的历险故事,讲述人类同巨人之间发生的种种关系,暗示着鸡,人类同巨人之间的食物链关系。This movie begins with a risk uprise story, it tells the relationship between giants and human beings, it also hints the food chain of chicken, human beings and giants.

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广州起义虽然以失败告终,但这次起义极大地振奋了广大群众的斗志,成为辛亥革命的前奏。Although Guangzhou uprise ends in order to fail, but uprise this greatly hearten the fight of broad masses, become the prelude of revolution of laborious the last of the twelve Earthly Branches.