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你的衣服和发型真好看!I like your outfit and hairdo!

您瞧我这身行头。Look at this outfit I'm wearing.

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哇,蜘蛛人,我超爱你的新造型。Whoa, Spidey, love the new outfit.

她穿一套花哨的新衣。She was dogged out in a new outfit.

你穿这套新衣看起来真帅。You look spiffy in your new outfit.

他在一家小型出版单位工作。He works in a small publishing outfit.

他们召请了一个公共关系公司。They call in a public relation outfit.

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我看这真的是套要人命的衣服。I guess that really is a killer outfit.

她穿着全套新衣服神气活现地走着。She was prancing along in her new outfit.

使舾装工时达到最小。To minimize outfit installation manhours.

在凡尔登,其部跑没了油。At Verdun , his outfit had run out of gas.

这是帮郭美美跳舞的第二套服装服装。This is the 2nd outfit for Jocie Guo show.

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我穿这套猎装会不会看起来很肥?Does this hunter's outfit make me look fat?

在你的储藏室里准备紧急装备。Prepare an emergency outfit in your closet.

如果出汗了,换身衣服也有用。If you're sweaty, a fresh outfit also helps.

但是这件皇帝的新行头还是有些漏洞。But the emperor’s new outfit has a few holes.

我才不要穿那样难看的衣服出去献丑。I wouldn't be caught dead in that ugly outfit.

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我的这身装束总让店主对我爱理不理。This outfit does not endear me to shopkeepers.

我才不要穿那样难看的衣服献丑呢!I wouldn"t be caught dead in that ugly outfit."

全身装扮透射出一种相当俗艳的性感。The outfit projected a rather tawdry sexuality.