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他在四十四岁的壮年因为肺痨病死去。At the early age of forty-three he died of phthisis.

新医治疗肺结核很有一套。Western medicine is very effective in treating phthisis.

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不用再怕脑溢血了,痨病却还存在。Apoplexy is no longer to be feared, but phthisis is there.

将该算法应用于具体实例-肺结核病灶自动定位,取得较好的定位速度和准确度。The case study on phthisis for locating the focus proves the efficiency and the precision of the algorithm.

探讨肺结核合并糖尿病的临床特点,为诊断和治疗该病提供依据。To explore the clinical characteristic of phthisis and diabetes, provide information for diagnosis and treatment.

由于日渐严重的肺结核症状,凡瑟知道自己的生命即将走到尽头,于是做出最后的牺牲。Knowing his own life would soon be forfeit due to his increasing phthisis symptoms, Venser made the ultimate sacrifice.

象存在于西班牙和西躲那样的僧侣制度,对文化来说,那是一种痨病。Monasticism, such as it existed in Spain, and such as it still exists in Thibet, is a sort of phthisis for civilization.

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总结肺结核合并糖尿病的临床特点、疗效及预后。The clinic characteristics, curative effect and squeal protection of phthisis and diabetes mellitus have been summarized.

气管炎、肺炎、肺结核、高血压、冠心病、关节炎、角膜炎的患病率随着年龄的增长而升高。The prevalence of tracheitis, pneumonia, phthisis , hypertension, arthritis, keratitis, and coronary disease increased with age.

没有任何理由认为,女医生用一种方法治愈伤寒、猩红热或肺结核,而男医生治疗这些疾病就得用另一种方法。There is no reason to believe that typhoid or scarlet fever or phthisis can be successfully treated by a woman physician in one way and by a man physician in another way.

适用于女性性功能低下、皮肤粗糙、产后虚弱,肺痨咳嗽,吐血,盗汗,神经衰弱等症。It is appropriate for lower female sexual function, tough skin, weakness after childbearing, phthisis and cough, sucking blood, continuous sweating, nervous exhaustion and so on.