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他不能把知识灌入您的脑子。He cannot transfuse it into your brain.

每天要在医院打针!Granny has to transfuse in hospital everyday.

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从来没有相关规定,在什么时候什么人应该被输血。There are no rules about when to transfuse and who to do it to.

粒性白细胞-革兰氏阴性脓毒症病人使用。Granulocytes--to transfuse to patient who has gram negative sepsis.

是我的双手把我的思绪注入到我的作品里面。My hands developed the technique to transfuse my emotions into my art.

过去的静脉输液流程是纯技术流程。In the past, the flow of vein transfuse belonged to pure technology flow.

你是否可以给他输血要看你的血型与他的血型是否想配。Whether you can transfuse your blood to him depends on whether your blood type matches his.

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运动员为了提高表现可能会输入自己的血液。Blood doping is a technique in which athletes transfuse their own blood to improve performance.

温馨静脉输液流程与使用静脉留置针输液流程是流程再造。The restructuration flow is that combines warm vein transfuse flow with using vein indwelling needle.

给患者输血的医生必须熟悉并发症的认知和处理。Physician who transfuse patient must be familiar with the recognition and management of this complication.

成肌细胞来源和取材容易,易于在体外培养,便于回输给宿主,这些优点利于其在临床诸多领域的中应用。It is easy to gain, culture and transfuse to the host for myoblasts , these merits are beneficial to clinical application.

仪器具有自动吸液,自动注液,自动测定及自动排废液功能,容量滴定值有LED数字显示。It can absorb and transfuse liquid automatically Measure the end-point automatically, and show titrimetry value by LED digital display.

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早幼粒白血病患者会发生凝血功能的异常,为了防治出血,输注血液中的促凝血成份是很有必要的。In this type of leukemia, abnormal clotting can occur and it may be necessary to transfuse these liquid fractions of donor blood to prevent or treat bleeding.

他们在唯一的救伤直升机上给伤员输血,在战地条件下运用一些最新的技术来救治伤员。They are the only medevac service to have doctors on board able to transfuse blood while in the air, and they use some of the most innovative techniques in the field.

目的介绍采用自体血液稀释法和术中出血回输法进行输血的初步经验。Objective This is a description of our preliminary experience in the use autohemodilution and the method of intraoperative transfuse back of the blood loss during orthopaedic surgery.