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他们的办法,小玩意儿,是第一个开发产品,然后创建它的需要。Their approach to gadgetry is to develop the product first, then create the need for it.

该机构曾在2007年的考试中做过实验,发现作弊现象大幅减少。The new gadgetry was trialed in 2007 and incidents of cheating were dramatically reduced.

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在过去100年与电流机械的联系中,人类遗传已被电性化了。Human genetics have become electrical over the past 100 years of association with electrical gadgetry.

布满奇幻灯光和酷酷的配件的客厅简直可以和电影布景有的一拼。The living room with its fancy lights and cool gadgetry might even give movie sets a run for their money.

海盗们久经风浪,无所畏惧,手中有钱而且钱越来越多,拥有最新的高科技装备,如手持GPS定位系统等。They are fearless. They are rich and getting richer, with the latest high-tech gadgetry like handheld GPS units.

通常,要监控一个人的睡眠状况,需要在睡眠实验室里过一夜而且需要很多的监测设备。Traditionally, to monitor somebody’s sleep, a lot of gadgetry and an overnight stay at a sleep lab was required.

亚特兰蒂斯人就像今天一样周游世界,并发展了电力及化石燃料的设备和技术。Atlantean humans traveled the world much as today, and developed electrical as well as fossil fuel gadgetry and technology.

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很显然,音乐、地图、导向和地方交通信息都是汽车配件和网络相互结合的几个领域。Music, maps, directions and local traffic information are the obvious areas where gadgetry and the web come together in the car.

这个巨大的行业涌现了许多帮助父母应付睡眠中断问题的办法,包括书籍、小物件甚至夜间保姆。A huge industry has sprung up to help parents tackle the problem of broken sleep, covering books, gadgetry and even night nannies.

设计师们认为艺术的修饰,对媒体的支持必将把更多的男性拉入厨房。Kitchen designers plainly think that the lure of state-of-the-art multi-media gadgetry will pull more men into the kitchen in the future.

他建了一个大楼,从上边可以俯瞰华盛顿湖,楼里装有高科技电子产品和电视显示器,有的占去了整个墙壁。He has built a mansion overlooking Lake Washington that he's packed with high-tech gadgetry and TV monitors, some taking up an entire wall.

在市场营销和产品评测的推波助澜下,我们这些消费者为了最新的产品呐喊尖叫,工厂则必须为此效力。Whipped into a frenzy by marketing and favourable product reviews, we consumers shriek for the latest gadgetry and the factories must oblige.

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细节处不再矫揉造作,装饰和配件的数量亦有所减少,同时织物的后整理变得重要起来。Details are no longer ostentatious and the desire to display gadgetry and accessory dulls. The finishing of textiles is the thing that counts.

然而,谁绿化爱好者关心的自然资源管理,或许会喜欢,并欢迎这样的小玩意儿“绿色”计算器。However, green lovers who are concerned about natural resources management perhaps will love and welcome gadgetry like this "green" calculator.

他的巢穴坐落在太平洋中的一座火山岛上。岛上有火箭发射台,大量高科技装备以及各式各样先进的机器人。His evil pad was located on a volcanic island in the Pacific Ocean with it's own rocket launch-pad and was full of hi-tech equipment and all manner of advanced gadgetry.

蝙蝠侠的酷酷的装备,蜘蛛侠或是X战警们的变异后的超能力,超人具有外星人的能力,所有的这些漫画形象都相当适合用电影这种形式来展现。the gadgetry of Batmanbatman, the mutated abilities of Spider-Man or the X-Men 3. Iron and the extraterrestrial powers of Superman are all really well suited for the silver screen.

我们的排骨烧烤摊位就在特战队附近是,用48英尺半拖车装载着一些游戏活动设施,包括直升机模拟器,跳伞和佩戴水肺的潜水模拟器。Also at the Ribs Burnoff is the Army's Special Operations unit, a 48-foot semi trailer loaded with games and gadgetry , including simulators for flying helicopters, parachuting, and scuba diving.

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宫廷以外,民间也有自行研究而专精机械器物者,甚至撰有专书论述其作品、技术与观点。Outside the court, the civilians were engaged in the R&D of devices and became good at mechanical gadgetry. Moreover, they also wrote books stating the works, techniques and perspectives concerned.