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有发现突变纯合子。No mutant homozygote was found.

突变体脱氧核糖核酸误编了一个氨基酸密码。The mutant DNA miscoded a single amino acid.

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突变体脱氧核糖核酸误编了一个氨基酸密码。The mutant DNA miscoded a single amino acid.

用NG诱变枯草杆菌168所得的一个突变型。A mutant of B. subtilis 168 mutagenized with NG.

她扮演过邦德女郎,变异人和猫女。She's played a Bond girl, a mutant and a catwoman.

这个家伙看起来活像个蓬头垢面的蜘蛛猴变种人。This guy looked like a beaten-up spider-monkey mutant.

忍者神龟2。破影而出国语版。Teenage. Mutant. Ninja. Turtles. Out. of. the. Shadows.

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所以我们认为它是赤霉素相关突变体。So we think the dwarf mutant "DDF-1" was GA insensitive.

该突变体的茎、叶、穗出现条斑。The mutant showed white stripe on stem, leaf and spikelet.

本研究主要系探讨一'巨峰´葡萄变异株之无子生成原因。The possible cause of a 'Kyoho´ seedless mutant was studies.

辣椒黄绿苗突变体是辣椒叶色黄绿色隐性突变体。Yellow-green seedling mutant is a recessive mutant of pepper.

颖花内的花药部分退化或完全退化。The anthers of the mutant were fully or partially degenerated.

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维吾尔族中的这种突变型系首次报道。This mutant is reported in Uygur nationality for the first time.

因此,研究水稻矮秆突变体对水稻的育种改良有非常重要的意义。It is the bright road of rice breeding to study about dwarf mutant.

南丰蜜桔的这些优良品系是群众性的芽变选种的结果。Of these fine lines are the masses of the mutant selection results.

他从一个国家飞向另一个国家,与杀人的变异细菌进行斗争。He flew from country to country, battling murderous mutant microbes.

比如无生物钟的变种小鼠身形就趋于矮胖。In fact, mutant mice that have no circadian clocks tend to be chunky.

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我们最先确定了这些突变体植株对苯达松的敏感性。We first determined the sensitivity of the mutant plants to bentazon.

现在,作为一个忍者神龟的粉丝,我非常喜欢这部电影。Now, I'm a big Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles fan so I loved this movie.

冬雪蜜桃’是1986年从‘青州蜜桃’实生苗中发现的实生变异。Dongxue Mitao'was a mutant from the seedling of'Qingzhou Mitao'in 1986.