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但是,我不必总告诉您,对吗?But I don't meed to tell you.

我不想停止帮助那些已经获得奖赏的人们。I won't stop helping people who are in meed.

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那里有洪灾,我们要清理排水沟。There's a flood. We meed to clear the drains.

好啊。不过我们需要帮忙,我们从来没吃过韩国烤肉。Yes, but we meed some help. We never tried Korean barbecue before.

我们需要一些饼干和糖果。我们不任何糖果。让我们买一些水果。We need some biscuits and sweets. We don't n meed any sweets. Let's buy some fruit.

要做一个优秀的作曲家,必须和人民有共同感情,创作他们需要的音乐。To be a good composer, one must feel with the people and create the music they meed.

有任何需要随时联系,如果价格满意,提供样品和目录。If any product meed your demand, please feel free to contact us. Catalog & Free samples can be offered if price content.

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对不符合卫生要求的,必须接受卫生检疫机关实施的卫生处理。If it fails to meed the hygiene requirements, it is required to undergo sanitization by the health and quarantine organ.

试验结果表明,用这种材料制作CA141型汽车车厢底板是能满足使用要求的。The experimental result proved that the floor made of this material could meed the service requirements of the CA141 truck body.

设备采用符合世界卫生要求的优质不锈钢制成,占地面积小,安装简便,工艺先进,自动化程度高,只需一人操作。The machine is made up of superior stainless steel. It take a small place, easy to install and only one person is meed to operate the machine.

从工程曲面造型设计及测量工作需要出发,提出一种以曲面的平面等高线图构造三维几何曲面及工程平面图样的算法。A algorithm is proposed for structuring and extending three-dimentional curved surface to meed the requirements of modelling design and measurement in engineering.

4一个小女孩脸通红口齿不清地背诵了“玛丽有只小羊羔”等,然后十分认真地行了个屈膝礼。在博得了大家的一阵掌声后,她红着脸,高兴地坐了下来。A little shamefaced girl lisped, "Mary had a little lamb, " etc. , performed a compassion-inspiring curtsy, got her meed of applause, and sat down flushed and happy.

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这个大有助益的亲人离往了,根本没有回过头来看一眼应得的感谢——假如她刚刚如此热心地尽过力的那些人的心中肯于感激她的话。The helpful inmate had departed, without one backward glance to gather up the meed of gratitude, if any were in the hearts of those whom she had served so zealously.

越是贫瘠和没有开垦的土地,基督教徒越是要承担去那儿开垦的使命一一他的劳动所挣得的报酬越少,他的荣誉就越高。I hold that the more arid and unreclaimed the soil where the Christian labourer's task of tillage is appointed him- the scantier the meed his toil brings- the higher the honour.

哦,我很高兴想到明天晚上的这个时候我就将在壁炉山庄了,在睡前给我的孩子们讲故事,给苏珊的蒲包和蕨草作为奖励的礼物。Oh, I'm glad to think that this time tomorrow night I'll be back at Ingleside, telling my babies stories at bedtime and giving Susan's calceolarias and ferns their meed of praise.

广播电视系统、微波通信无人值守站、工业控制、计算机系统、工业设备配套。Broadcast And TV System, Nobody station on Duty of Microwave, Communicate Industey Controller, Conputer, System Industry Equipment Sets, Complete set of Lift Meed Rehulated Power Supply Pfbase.

高校独立学院是近年来我国高等教育发展过程中出现的新生事物,有待进一步规范和完善。This paper suggests that colleges, as independent institutes of a university, are new to the traditional higher education system and, as such, are in meed of further standardization and improvement.