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他经常忍气吞声地生活。He often gulps down a sob.

敲打着,呜咽着,奏出一支美妙的老调子Beat and sob to the old refrain

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陇头风凄,流水呜咽。Meilong head wind chill, water SOB.

我发出一声悲鸣,就像一声嚎叫。A loud sob broke out of me, like a bark.

听说海也哽咽着昨天的梦。I heard the sea sob to yesterday is dream.

婴儿“啊“了一声,开始大哭。The baby, "Aah," screamed, started to sob.

天空下起雨来,泣怜可悲世人的眼泪。Rain began to sob Pity the sad world of tears.

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就是那个全写一些赚人眼泪的故事的家伙吗?Is he the one who writes all those sob stories?

他再去给雅兰打电话,可雅兰曾经泣不成声了。He again and get jalam, can call jalam once SOB.

这个失望的男孩忍住啜泣,强作笑脸。The disappointed boy gulped down a sob and tried to smile.

随着一个浪头袭上船沿儿,那位母亲爆发出一声凄厉的抽泣。A sob erupts from the mother as a wave washes over the vessel.

这一声叫喊又悠长又凄楚,似是长叹,又似是呜咽。It was a long, grieving sound, like a sigh- almost like a sob.

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我们没有惊天泣鬼神,却有无微不至的关心问候。We have no startled day sob ghosts and gods, but meticulous care.

高飞经过医生办公室,里面传来一声紧似一声的抽泣声。Fly through the doctors office, there came a loud sound like a SOB.

“我可不情愿让它给消化掉!”皮诺乔叫起来,又开始哭了。"But I don't want to be digested, " shouted Pinocchio, starting to sob.

为什么不试验下中国式的政府?中国不会这样啊!Why not experiment with China type of Govt. China doesn't sob like this !

但是,这个大男人仍在歇斯底里地呜咽发抖,根本不回应。But the big man continued to sob and shake hysterically and didn't respond.

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全是刊载关于丢失的狗和失踪孩子的伤感故事。The local newspaper is full of sob stuff about lost dogs and missing children.

她抬起双手捂到脸上,他发现她那瘦削的双肩因啜泣在颤抖。She lifted her hands to her face, and he saw her thin shoulders shaken by a sob.

多萝茜哭了,因为她觉得在这些奇怪的人们中间感到孤独,寂寞。Dorothy began to sob at this, for she felt lonely among all these strange people.