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他站在甲板上。He stood on the deck.

我们上甲板去好吗?Shall we go up on deck?

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甲板上保持防火巡回检查。Have fire patrols on deck.

把它赶回到甲板上。Put it back into the deck.

装饰着你不可思议的形相。To deck Thy wondrous form.

他吹哨子召集全体海员到甲板上。He piped all hands on deck.

我的磁带盒嗡嗡响。My cassette deck has a buzz.

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拖缆回收到甲板上。Receive towing line on deck.

甲板颤抖、倾斜。The deck shivered and tilted.

他们以厚板铺这支船的甲板。They planked the ship's deck.

布莱克松又回到甲板上。Blackthorne went back on deck.

全体船员都站在甲板上。The ship’s crew stood on deck.

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他在甲板上把绳子绕好。He coiled the rope on the deck.

我的房舱在哪层甲板呢?How do I get to the upper deck?

马丁萨维奇,在甲板上。Martin Savidge, you're on deck.

一股巨浪从甲板上卷了过去。A huge wave swept over the deck.

甲板木条是椴木制成的。Deck planks are made of basswood.

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我们去甲板上散步吧。Let's have a walk round the deck.

右甲板连到消防栓皮龙管破损。Hoses to hydrants in main deck cut.

I1050幼兽队少年割草机甲板部分。I1050 Cub "Cadet" mower parts deck.