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可以米兰的达芬奇呢?What happened to the Milanese Leonardo?

那么我想您可以要米兰瘦肉。Then I think you can have Noisettes Milanese.

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如果没有那粒进球,两支米兰球队将平分秋色。Without that goal the two Milanese teams would be tied.

有多少15世纪的米兰艺术家你能叫出他们的名字?How many fifteenth century Milanese artists can you name?

法切蒂选择了蓝黑军团,最终成为一代传奇人物。Facchetti chose the Milanese Nerazzurri, and would go on to become a legend.

有预谋的犯罪仍然是对米兰市民的永远的威胁。Organised crime continues to be the perpetual scourge of Milanese civic life.

万岁的德比和万岁的保罗。马尔蒂尼是米兰城两大传统。Long live the derby and long live Paolo Maldini, two great Milanese traditions.

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模特的衣服以及竞争的发型反射了15世纪晚期米兰人的时尚。The sitter's costume and elaborate hairstyle reflect Milanese fashion of the late 15th century.

那座被唤作“米兰”的城市,全城可是充满了芬芳的米兰花香?Do the Florence church organs resemble ours?Is Milan filled with the fragrance of Milanese flowers?

不过从长远来看,我们并不希望米兰城的两支球队就这样一直使用同一个球场。But looking ahead, we cannot think that both the Milanese clubs will have to share the stadium forever.

的概念西班牙语米兰设计师,它引导她整个职业生涯,是好奇。The concept of the Spanish- Milanese designer, which has guided her throughout her career, is curiosity.

好看的专着对这一西班牙语米勒尼兹工业和展览设计师,称为飓风。Good-looking monograph on this Spanish- Milanese industrial and exhibition designer, nicknamed the Hurricane.

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我点了一份米兰藏红花煨饭作为开胃菜,这是一种用藏红花、脂米和牛肉骨髓混合而成的美味佳肴。I ordered a risotto alla Milanese to start, which was a delicious mix of saffron, creamy rice and beef marrow.

C米兰俱乐部宣布,后卫马西姆*奥多已经达成租借协议,加盟莱切。AC Milan defender Massimo Oddo has joined Lecce on a season-long loan deal the Milanese club said in a statement.

C米兰俱乐部宣布,后卫马西姆*奥多已经达成租借协议,加盟莱切。AC Milan defender Massimo Oddo has joined Lecce on a season-long loan deal, the Milanese club said in a statement.

在表面上排除远走他乡后,米兰双雄都企图获得这位前帕尔马门将。After seemingly ruling out a transfer abroad, the Milanese giants are ready to make a bid for the former Parma man.

在1999年1月,连续9天里有9个人被谋杀,刺激了米兰市长采用纽约式的“零容忍”政策。In January 1999, nine people were murdered in nine consecutive days, prompting the Milanese mayor to adopt a New York-style.

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即使西西里人成功在半岛上扩张,他们也很快就必需要应付米兰人与威尼斯人。Even if the Sicilians successfully start to expand up the peninsula, they will soon have to deal with the Milanese and the Venetians.

米兰炸小牛肉是将多汁的小牛肉切成块,撒上面包屑,再用黄油炸——近乎完美的佳肴。The costolette alla Milanese was beautifully succulent veal chop covered in breadcrumbs and fried in butter – an almost perfect dish.

堡垒的指挥官卡布里奥·塞韦略是米兰了不起的工程师、英勇的战士,也被俘了。They also took the commandant of the fort, Gabrio Cerbellon by name, a Milanese gentleman, a great engineer and a very brave soldier.