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因为它效率较低。Alright, so it's inefficient.

这种方法少慢差费。That's an inefficient and expensive method.

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很明显的这是资源利用效率低下。This is clearly an inefficient use of resources.

在学习上,死记硬背是一种低效的方法。Rote memorization is an inefficient way to learn.

二是经济增长方式粗放。Second, the pattern of economic growth is inefficient.

对低效的流程进行自动化并不明智。It would not be advisable to automate an inefficient process.

让蜂群一次攻击一个步兵的做法是效率很低的。It is inefficient to target infantry one at a time with buzzers.

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让蜂群一次攻击一个步兵得做法Practice是效率很低得。It is inefficient to target infantry one at a time with buzzers.

国营企业经常被批评没有效率。State-run enterprises are often criticized as being inefficient.

最后,还有一个低效利用土地的国有企业。Finally, there is inefficient use of land state-owned enterprises.

四是基本医疗保险个人帐户效率低下。Fourth, the basic medical insurance personal accounts inefficient.

他们拒绝了低消耗但也低效的方法的提议。They resisted the introduction of low cost but inefficient method.

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然而,纽科门的蒸汽机效率极其低下。In Newcomen’s engine, however, the process was extremely inefficient.

制度效率低、暗耗大,一定要改进。The system is inefficient and wasteful. We must do something about it.

总之,易货贸易是一种效率很低的交易形式。Overall, barter is a very inefficient means of organizing transactions.

萨克塞纳对美国之音说,如此使用已经很稀少的资源是非常没有效率的。Dr. Saxena tells VOA this is a very inefficient use of scarce resources.

每次添加或移除元素后重新调整集合将非常低效。It would be inefficient to resize the collection with each add or remove.

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市场停顿——由于市场经济产生的无效分配。Market failure----An inefficient allocation produced by a market economy.

非网格图形减慢了布线器的布线速度和导致布线效率降低。The off-grid shapes slow down the router and lead to inefficient routing.

部门问题是,收藏和库存模具采取了无效的方法。Part of the problem is inefficient ways of storing and inventorying molds.