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这是一次思想的盛宴。This is the regale of the thought.

他们将以盛宴款待宾客。They will regale the guests with a feast.

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这是人生和财富的理念盛宴。This is the concept regale of life and fortune.

一场视听的盛宴,一部真诚的影片!The regale of a seeing and hearing, a genuine film!

新媒体在这场盛宴中的步伐更为快速。New media is in the pace in this regale is more fast.

想享受由热带水果和浆果做成的美味沙拉吗?Wish to regale on tasty salad from tropical fruit and berries?

普罗恰兹卡喜欢用夸张、过激的话与朋友逗乐。Prochazka loved to regale his friends with hyperbole and excess.

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我将在俄罗斯观众面前表演并让他们观看到我的新节目。I will perform before Russian audiences and will regale them with new programs.

这是一个财智的盛宴,也是一个地产人欢聚的天堂。This is the regale of a money wisdom, also be the heaven of happy get-together of a landed person.

侏儒突然的沉寂没被注意,同时鸭子开始了他自己生活经历的吹擂。The dwarf's sudden silence went unnoticed, as Duck had begun to regale him with his own life story.

这组酷男造型前卫大胆,再次为我们奉献了一次彩妆盛宴。Avant-courier of male model of this group of cruel is bold, dedicated for us again colour makeup regale.

每份套餐都是由法国大厨精心烹制,原料上乘,做工细致。让您和伴侣能在情人节里享受到真正的纯粹!Every elaborate French course is delivered by our original French chef. Wish you will regale on the very purity!

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形态变异居群内具明显的多态性,居群间具多型性。There was obvious polymorphism on morphology of L. regale within populations and the polytypism among populations.

两大媒体涵盖平面和网络,将为读者和网友呈献无孔不入的视觉盛宴。Two big media cover plane and network, will respectfully present for reader and netizen the visual regale of be all-pervasive.

我父亲在一个德国人为主的社区里长大,略懂德语,在我年轻的时候曾用德语逗我玩。My father grew up in a largely German neighborhood and acquired a smattering of the language, with which he would playfully regale me in my youth.

在这里,您还可以在晨光中享用中西自助餐,在和熙的午后,品尝下午茶,在摇曳烛光中享用特色牛排。Here you can still enjoy Chinese and Western buffet in the fresh morning, taste tea in the vernal afternoon and regale special beefsteak in the charming night.

伊利亚·安德烈伊奇伯爵和其他几个领导骨干坐在巴格拉季翁对面,因而表现了莫斯科殷勤好客、亲热款待公爵的热忱。Count Ilya Andreitch was sitting with the other stewards facing Bagration, and, the very impersonation of Moscow hospitality, did his utmost to regale the prince.

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玫瑰花瓣和山莓的芬芳醇美怡人。这款甜酒也许是世界上唯一一款可以与巧克力,特别是与黑巧克力相搭配的佳酿。Aromatic with a hint of rose petals and raspberries, Rosa Regale is perhaps the only wine in the world that marries well with chocolate, especially dark or bittersweet.

揭示岷江百合的形态变异式样及变异规律,为引种驯化、杂交育种提供依据。Variation patterns and rule of morphology variation in Lilium regale Wilson was revealed to provide theoretical basis for introduction and domestication, and cross breeding.

从分布、寄主、生物学、生态学、综合治理等方面综述了白杨透翅蛾的研究现状。In the paper the current situation and development of the studies on Paranthrene regale including distribution, hosts, bionomics , ecology and integrated management were reviewed.