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奥尔马有一根球棒。Omar has a bat.

奥马尔·本·拉丹,六岁。Omar bin Laden, age six.

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你知道他们会怎样对付吗欧玛?。Do you know what they will do to omar?

奥马尔来自叙利亚,14岁,擦鞋。Omar is a 14 year-old shoe shiner from Syria.

奥马尔·本·拉丹和他的马,2007年于吉达。Omar bin Laden with his horse in Jeddah, 2007.

2001年4月起,奥马尔便与父亲本·拉登断绝了联系。Omar ended contact with his father in April 2001.

象奥马尔这样的孩子整天游荡在贝鲁特的街上。Children like Omar wander the streets of Beirut all day long.

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奥马尔和他的小妹妹在吉达的家中,于1990年。Omar and baby sister Fatima at the family home in Jeddah, 1990.

路透社索马里摄影师奥马尔.费萨尔拍摄,荣获日常生活类单幅一等奖。First Prize Daily Life Single, Omar Feisal, Somalia, for Reuters.

当时他的身份是父亲“选定的儿子”和最初表面上的继承人,奥马尔向太阳报透露。I was his chosen son” and initial heir apparent, Omar told The Sun.

伊斯兰堡的政府人士称大毛拉奥马尔已经证实了这一信息。Now government sources in Islamabad say Maulvi Omar has confirmed it.

从小村子出发,步行五分钟,我们来到了奥马尔·金多的农田。It was a five-minute walk from the village to the land of Omar Guindo.

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奥马尔·罕眯起他的小眼睛,嘴巴因为厌恶而噘了起来。Omar Khan's small eyes narrowed and his mouth formed a disgusted circle.

村长奥马尔·罕此时盯着天花板哭了。Omar Khan, the village chief, was crying now and looking at the ceiling.

奥马尔讲,不单是警察欺负他,黎巴嫩人也欺负他。Not only do the police harass Omar but, he says, the Lebanese do as well.

奥马尔,我投你一票。但是请查清楚谋杀案。Omar my vote goes for you, but you need to clean up the murder case first.

那些沙是属于奥马·庞戈的,鲜有游客在上面留下他们的足迹。That sand, in which few tourists leave their footprints, was Omar Bongo's.

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欧马先生现任银联国际贸易有限公司总裁,叙利亚籍。Omar Ayash is President and CEO of Silverway International Trading Limited.

奥马尔要做的,就是改变这种情况,让这些网站盈利。Omar to be done is to change this situation, so that these sites profitable.

2007年,本拉登之子奥马尔迎娶了英国人扎娜。The couple, Bin Laden's son Omar and his British wife Zaina, married in 2007.