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尼娜说,“确切地说,是北朝鲜使用的韩文。”North Korean, specifically.

对,但有什么特别的么Yes, but what specifically?

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哪些事情是超出范围的?What is specifically out of scope?

专门处理每个异常。Handle each exception specifically.

的时候,我不想具体地回答他们。I don't want to answer specifically.

我特别要求一间海景房。I specifically asked for a sea view room.

专指一种无馅的面食。Refers specifically to a non-filling of pasta.

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如果你确实需要建议,就问得具体一点。If you do need advice, ask for it specifically.

这个主题是专门为企业名单。This theme is specifically for business listings.

停用一切特地去死皮的产品。Specifically to disable all the dead skin products.

是什么使感情基调逆转,具体是什么What's turned all of this around, what specifically?

或者也可尝试下专门设计的卧式按摩器具。Or try a toy specifically designed for Prostrate Massage

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特别是ASP.NET后面的一些历史Some of the history behind .NET and specifically ASP.NET

事实上,这个角色是专门为非亚裔演员而写的。In truth, the role was written specifically as non-Asian.

规则并没有明确从背后阻截是犯规。The Laws do not specifically outlaw tackling from behind.

是的,但是绝对只要围巾,绝对不要围脖。Yes, but specifically a scarf and definitely not a snood.

于专为锡膏设计的设备中使用。Equipment specifically designed for use with solder paste.

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专注怎么就能特别地提高积极性呢?How, specifically does mindfulness lead to more positivity?

我公司对你方的520型听诊器很感兴趣。I am specifically interested in your stethoscope model 520.

我们的女英雄肚子上被划了两刀。Our heroine specifically took two deep ones to the abdomen.