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目前围堰是稳定安全的。The cofferdam is safe and stable.

承建的导流明渠和纵向围堰工程。Open Channel and Longitudinal Cofferdam Project Attributed to CGGC.

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水坝工程师没有考虑围堰崩溃对下游造成的影响。The dam builders fail to consider the downstream effects of cofferdam failure.

二是临时围堰及后方陆域连接工程。The other part is temporary cofferdam and the rear land-based connection project.

双壁钢围堰是桥梁深水基础施工的重要设施。Double-wall steel cofferdam is the important facility of bridge's deepwater foundation.

双壁钢围堰是大中型桥梁深水主墩施工的大型临时设施。Taking the bored pile foundation constructed with double-walled steel cofferdam for No.

利用水下控制爆破方法拆除了大源渡河中的混凝土纵向围堰。A longitudinal concrete cofferdam was demolished by way of underwater controlled blasting.

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鸻鹬在围堤内滩涂的分布与底栖生物量无关。The distribution of waders is irrelevant to benthal biomass in the wetlands insides cofferdam.

文章详细介绍了砂袋围堰的施工情况和实施效果。This paper has a detailed description on construction and final results of sand bag cofferdam.

临时附属工程主要是临时围堰工程和文物防护工程。Temporary projects include temporary cofferdam project and protection project of ancient relics.

分析了堰体与双排混凝土防渗墙的联合作用问题。The combined action of two line Concrete cores and shell in the 2nd-stage cofferdam is analysed.

本发明涉及一种水电建设中修建的挡水围堰型式。The invention relates to a water-retaining cofferdam mode in water and electricity construction.

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旨在为大型斜拉桥建设提供可行的主塔基础钢围堰施测方法。This is aimed at providing an effective measuring method for such kind of cofferdam construction.

二期上游围堰原设计为粘土心墙沙砾料堰,经研究修改为覆面式复合土工膜防渗结构石碴堰。The upstream cofferdam in second period was originally designed as a sand and gravel dyke with clay core.

牛皮砂围墩式沙体围堰,是深层淤泥软基上围堰施工的新工法。Sand cofferdam of encircling piers is a new way to construct cofferdam on the soft foundation of deep mud.

接着灌入膨润土,将这种粘土和混凝土液态混合物灌入围堰中间的沟渠。Then pumps inject bentonite, a liquid clay and cement mixture into a trench in the middle of the cofferdam.

迄今,近岸水域建构筑物的局部冲刷深度的估算均假定局部冲刷前后为平床,没有考虑常见、广布的近岸沙波底形。In the light of the local scouring that will be caused by floating construction of the cofferdam for Pier No.

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在爆破专家准备拆毁围堰之前,工人们清理浮在围堰附近的垃圾碎片。In this photo, workers clear floating debris near the cofferdam while demolition experts prepare to demolish it.

黑河市水源取水口工程围堰施工采用钢板箱围堰型式。The steel plate boxes were applied in the construction of Heihe municipal water source intake work as cofferdam.

介绍桥涵基础施工中钢板桩围堰的设计与施工。The construction and design of steel stake cofferdam are introduced at building of bridge and culvert foundation.