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值得申报的应纳税收益总额。The amount of gain reportable and subject to tax.

柬埔寨从1980年实施了登革热疫情报告制度。Dengue has been reportable in Cambodia since 1980.

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可报告的片段或一个操作单位,如陈述131号所定义。Reportable segment or an operating unit, as defined in Statement no. 131.

据报道,湖南省会长沙已经限电。Changsha, capital of the chief province domain, has reportable power brownouts.

术语“可报告的结果”当用于本文中时,表示一个最终分析结果。The term reportable result as used in this document means a final analytical result.

英国的媒体也使人继续希望值得报道的新闻出现。Also keeping hope alive for some more reportable news were members of the British press.

在大多数情况下,对于国内或国外的使用者来讲,报告值可用于记录文件中。In most cases, the reportable value is used as documentation for internal or external users.

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扩展和增强的源浏览,因为几乎所有的内容都进行了索引,而且可以报告。expanded and enhanced source exploration with almost everything being indexed and reportable

那份报告,他们不认为这个泄露是,在一个可报告的领域,很不幸的,它是。The report, they didn't think that this leak was in the reportable domain and unfortunately it was.

定制设备也将需要进行售后监督并向主管当局报告。Custom devices will now require a post-market surveillance system that is reportable to Competent Authorities.

如果你有特别的事情,比如说你有一个技术方面的违反,那会变成一个可报告的时间,对NRC来说。So if you have anything in particular, say you have a tech-spec violation that becomes a reportable event to the NRC.

狂犬病是一种由联邦政府申报的病毒性疾病,攻击中枢神经系统的热情热血动物,包括人类在内。Rabies is a federally reportable viral disease that attacks the central nervous system of warm-blooded animals, including humans.

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“三可”首先应针对发达国家,同时中方不认为提高透明度是个问题,发展中国家得到发达国家资金和技术员支持的行动可接受“三可”,没有得到发达国家支持的行动可接受国际磋商与分析。Measurable, reportable and verifiable are first targeted at the developed countries. China does not think that transparency is an issue.

该计划考虑按不同国家的情况来共同承担彼此有别的"可测量、可报告、可验证"的义务。The plan allows for common but differentiated responsibilities, appropriate to national circumstances, which are “measurable, reportable and verifiable.”

事故频度率是指每百万小时发生的伤害事故的频率,它表示在当前的安全生产水平下,一个人在一生的工作时间中可能发生的事故次数。The LTA rate is expressed as the ratio of reportable accidents to 1,000,000 man-hours – the assumed number of hours worked by one person during a lifetime.

可报告的福利不包括在可报告的收入里,但是任何显示纳税人的PAYG付款摘要,必须包括在纳税人的退税里,为什么?Reportable fringe benefits are not included in taxable income but any shown on a taxpayer's PAYG Payment Summary must be included on the taxpayer's Tax Return. Why?

由于该原因,公司应该倾向于更谨慎,将这些检测值的平均值报告为OOS结果,即使平均值仍符合质量标准。For this reason, a firm should err on the side of caution and treat the reportable average of these values as an OOS result, even if that average is within specification.

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审核并确保AST数据库中本人负责的物品信息为最新数据并随时可供汇报,包括提供S30报告和材料消耗预测报告。Review and ensure the AST databases for the responsible commodity is kept fully up to date and reportable when required, including reports for S30 and consumption forecast.

鉴定报告的交易银行保险非党不应断定每个交易属于何种预计某个客户应报。In identifying reportable transactions, an insured nonmember bank should not conclude that every transaction that falls outside what is expected for a given customer should be reported.

不将该分部指定为报告分部且不与其他分部合并的,应当在披露分部信息时,将其作为其他项目单独披露。If it is not designated as a reportable segment and if it is not combined with other segments, it shall be separately disclosed under "other items" when the segment information is disclosed.