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他就向我求婚。He proposed to me.

我这儿有一份当时的推荐食谱Here's the proposed menu.

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他建议另开一次会议。He proposed another meeting.

他提议为布鲁尔的健康干杯。He proposed Brougher's health.

他向一位姑娘求婚。He proposed marriage to a girl.

但他还是提出了这个建议。But he proposed it, all the same.

我们提名约翰担任我们班的班长。We proposed John for our monitor.

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我订交拟议的条件。I concure with the terms proposed.

我提议汉特先生来干这工作。I proposed Mr. Hunter for the job.

世界媒体峰会的主题是什么?What is the proposed theme of WMS?

提出了BHA数据库的概念。BHA's data base concept is proposed.

乔治在1980年5月向格利尼斯求婚。George proposed to Glynis in May 1980.

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京房公元前1世纪就提出来了。He proposed it in the 1st century B. C.

三读之议题经提出待议。Question on the Third Reading proposed.

人们提议向你敬酒。A toast has been proposed in your honor.

提出了一种证实数字签名方案。A confirmer signature scheme is proposed.

提出了一种新颖的激光测距方法。A novel laser ranging method is proposed.

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议会可能会修正提议的征税法。Congress may amend the proposed tax bill.

他提议举办美术展览会。He proposed an exhibition of works of art.

我们同意去除所提议案的本质部分。We agreed to eviscerate the proposed bill.