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福无双至,祸不单行。Troubles not go singly.

祸不单行。学英语有问必答。Misfortunes never come singly.

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你可以单个买,也可以成打买。You can buy them singly or by the dozen.

花为粉红色或白色,单生或丛生。Pink or white flowers grow singly or clustered.

老虎一般是单独在林丛里出没的。The tiger usually appears in the jungle singly.

如果不可以单买那一整组又大概又是多少钱?If I cant buy it singly , how much is one whole set?

粗线能单独和金属基体部件焊接在一块。Heavy wires can be welded singly to metal base parts.

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他立刻放开手,独个儿上床睡觉。He immediately let go of his hands and sleep in bed singly.

偌大的洪门,怎能让他一人独有!So big Hong door, how can let he one person possess singly !

通常独居在岩石裂缝或岩洞中。They generally live singly in crevices or in burrows under rocks.

祸不单行的是男性,他们没有皈依于神。Misfortunes never come singly to men, and they did not to the gods.

能够实现后台自动分单。Can realize that the backstage supporter divides automatically singly.

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文章还进一步探讨了“不一定”可以单用的原因。It has more discussion on the reason which it can be used singly from this article.

如果马吕斯和冉阿让是单个走过去,则还有可能脱险。Marius and Jean Valjean would have stood a chance of extricating themselves singly.

梭鱼通常出现在礁石附近,可能单个也可能成群,不过在开放海域也能看到它们。Barracudas occur both singly and in schools around reefs, but also appear in open seas.

链表中最简单的是单链表,其每个节点只有一个链接。The singly -linked list is the easiest of the linked list, which has one link per node.

找一个相爱的最爱的亲爱的深爱的人告别单身。Look for a dear person that loves deeply that likes most in love to say good-bye to singly.

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昨天,我经历了一次全新的体验,是出自不同寻常人之手的一顿美味佳肴。Last night, I experience something new, an ex-ordinary meal from a singly unexpected source.

用超塑性成形工艺能一次成形出复杂形状的零件。The complicated shaped parts are able to be singly formed by a superplastic forming process.

而南五味子粒小肉薄显干瘪,种子粗糙无光泽。South Schisandra is singly small, flesh thin, looked withered, seeds there is no gloss rough.