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他牙痛。He has a toothache.

我牙疼。I have a toothache.

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的牙痛得很厉害。had a terrible toothache.

她今天整天都牙痛。She's had toothache all day.

牙疼的去火点在哪里?Toothache to the point where?

你的牙痛了多久了?How long have you had your toothache?

我的牙齿一阵阵地痛得很厉害。I've had severe twinges of toothache.

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我的牙痛已持续了一个月。My toothache has hung on for a month.

痛使他的脸都肿了。His face swelled up with the toothache.

由于牙痛,他的脸都肿起来了。His face was swollen up with toothache.

这些药片缓解了我的牙痛。These pills have relieved my toothache.

牙痛时不曾使面颊发肿吗?Did toothache not bite into your cheeks?

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我牙疼得无法入睡。I couldn't sleep well with my toothache.

他用手捂着因牙痛而肿胀的半边脸。He cupped his cheek swelled by toothache.

这个星期我的牙齿已痛过三次。I've got toothache three times this week.

他得了牙痛就变得心浮气燥。He gets irritable when he's got toothache.

一阵阵的牙疼很难忍受.It is hard to stand the pangs of a toothache.

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亨利牙疼,请求离开一下。Henry got a toothache and asked to be excused.

牙痛使他的半边脸肿了起来。The toothache puffed out one side of his face.

我眼睛疼。我牙疼,胃也疼。My eyes hurt. I have toothache and stomach-ache.