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五十英里。Fifty miles.

他大大超过了五十岁。He is far past fifty.

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我猜她大约五十岁。I guess she is about fifty.

那件外套值50美元。That coat is fifty dollars.

她一总花了五十元。She spent fifty yuan in all.

只要五百五十美元。Five hundred and fifty dollars.

这条河有五十公尺宽。The river is fifty meters broad.

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我一次能做五十下仰卧起坐!I can do fifty sit-ups at a time!

美国有五十个话别州。There are fifty states in the US.

半美元值五十美分。A half-dollar is worth fifty cents.

只要道路方便,五十英里能算远吗?And what is fifty miles of good road?

李平有五十多本图画书。Li Ping has over fifty picture books.

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这个班由五十名学生组成。The class consists of fifty students.

这个水塔上下有50米。The water tower is fifty metres high.

驱车只有五十分钟的路程。It is only about a fifty minutes ride.

我花了五十元钱买了一本新词典。I spent fifty yuan on a new dictionary.

这个码头可以停泊五十多艘轮船。The docks can berth over fifty vessels.

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在美国所有五十个州的座右铭。All fifty states in America have mottos.

我想把这五十英镑找开。I'd like to break this fifty pound note.

一天,他父亲给了他五十便士。One day his father gave him fifty pence.