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他叫那个护理员走了。He let the paramedic go.

我只有感谢上帝,还有在那里的救护人员。I just thank God and the paramedic that was there.

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我听见医生说,这个女孩没救了。I can hear the paramedic say, This girl is going to die.

安德烈亚·克拉克是一名有着15年资历的消防队员和医疗急救队员。Andrea Clark is a 15-year veteran firefighter and paramedic.

来自以色列的医护小组今天早上抵达这里。Our emergency paramedic team arrived this morning from Israel.

另一位被派去的护理人员马丁·布朗特也同意斯尼弗的说法。Another paramedic dispatched to the room, Martin Blount, agreed.

急救人员乔恩·赖特说,孩子只“需要吃上一顿,再睡一觉,就好了”。Paramedic Jon Wright said the boy just "needed a feed and a nap".

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死者中有一位还是他的救护人员,当时救护车被以色列军队击中。Among those killed was a paramedic after his ambulance was hit by Israeli fire.

陪她前往的一名护理人员和诊所里的一名护士也死亡了。A paramedic who accompanied her and a nurse from the clinic where she was taken also died.

比如说护理人员给病人家里打电话,会了解到他们不愿再接受治疗的愿望。A paramedic called to a patient's home would know of a do-not-resuscitate order, for example.

举个例子,像无痛分娩技术和护理人员的角色问题。Some examples include the Lamaze technique for childbirth and the general role of the paramedic.

救护车迅速把他送往医院,医护人员在车上对他实施了心肺复苏,使血液和氧气正常循环。An ambulance sped him to the hospital while a paramedic administered CPR to keep blood and oxygen flowing.

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巴基斯坦,一所卡拉奇医院上的陈尸间内一名紧急救护人员站在一具希腊籍尸体旁。An ambulance paramedic stands next to the body of a Greek national in a morgue at a Karachi hospital in Pakistan.

内萨瓦尔科约特尔一家医院的医护人员推着伤员穿过走廊匆忙前往急诊室。A paramedic in Nezahualcoyotl rushes a patient through the corridors of a hospital on the way to the emergency room.

身为医护人员的马丁布朗特就是这次的证人,他宣称莫瑞医生把一种名叫「利多卡因」的药物藏起来。Paramedic Martin Blount took to the witness stand and claimed that the doctor had concealed a drug called lidocaine.

医护员理查德·斯尼弗询问在屋里汗流浃背,手忙脚乱的医生,倍受煎熬的杰克逊的情况如何。Paramedic Richard Senneff asked the sweating, frantic-looking doctor in the room what condition the stricken man had.

护理人员来到之后,他们问,你是怎么知道他是被闪电击中的?我说,看一下这棵树。When the paramedic arrived, they asked, well, how do you know he was struck by lightning? I said, well, look at the tree.

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护理人员理查德•斯莱弗作证说,当急救人员来到杰克逊卧室里的时候,杰克逊还戴着外科手术帽。Paramedic Richard Senneff testified that Jackson was also wearing a surgical cap when emergency workers arrived at his bedroom.

基地里一名受伤的英国士兵正从支努干飞机转移到救护车,急救医护员肖恩.利奇拿着氧气瓶为他输氧。Paramedic Shaun Leach holds up an oxygen tank as a British soldier is stretched from a Chinook to a waiting ambulance at Camp Bastion

明显地,机构中某些层次的控制失去了,因为“控制”现在发生在医生和护理人员之间领域。Obviously, some level of organizational control is lost because "control" now occurs at the field level between the physician and the paramedic.