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你会看见雏鸟掉落。You will see the nestling fall.

我看到隐映在树林中的乡村别墅。I saw a cottage nestling in the woods.

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枯藤、老树和正在安顿下来的乌鸦。The sere vines, the old trees, and nestling crows.

这个年龄的孩子,应该还在学校读书,应该还在父母的怀里撒娇。At this age, they should be studying and nestling in the arms of their parents.

位于西澳首府珀斯以北595公里这个公国,起源于1970年的一场小麦生产份额争执。Nestling 595km north of Perth, it arose from a dispute in 1970 over wheat quotas.

在很多头条新闻中有一条是关于我们的老大阿布的。Nestling amongst the many headlines was one relating to our own Roman Abramovich!

依山坐落、孤立的山谷农庄是冰岛农村的一个特色。Typical for rural Iceland are the isolated valley farms nestling against mountains.

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领域的大小在孵卵期和育雏期是稳定的。The size of territory doesn't vary in the period of incubation and feeding nestling.

一个个依山傍海的住宅小区与自然环境浑然天成。The uptown, nestling under the mountain and beside the sea is set in the natural environment.

为了进行调查,科学家饲养了100多只园莺和撒丁岛莺的雏鸟。To investigate, scientists reared more than 100 nestling garden warblers and Sardinian warblers.

建立笼养条件下东方白鹳成体和幼体较为详细的行为谱。The most detail behavior ethogram of adult and nestling of captive Oriental white stork was recorded.

我把母亲的眼镜摘下来握在手中,将脸贴在母亲冰冷的脸颊,我泪如雨下。I took off mother's glasses holding in hand, nestling face to mother's icy cheek, my tears run down as rain.

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戈代加讷尔位于泰米尔纳德邦帕拉尼山700英尺高的山腰上,这个小山村有很悠久的殖民历史。Nestling 700ft up in the Palani Hills of Tamil Nadu, this little hill-station town has plenty of expat history.

克林西安队服贴满了赞助商的商标,除臭剂的商标已经贴到了衣服的腋下。The Corinthians shirt is a patchwork of sponsors’ logos, down to one for a deodorant brand nestling in the players’ armpits.

这张温馨的照片是一个八天大的婴儿与四只五周大的小狗一起睡觉的照片,拍摄共花了五个小时。This heartwarming photograph, of an eight-day-old baby nestling in for a sleep with four five-week-old puppies, was five hours in the making.

没有他们的服务,信件可能永远都无法到达许多坐落在山脊上或位于冰冻的小溪边的那些偏远村庄和部落。Without their services, the mail may never reach many remote villages and hamlets, perched atop ridges or nestling at the edge of icy brooks.

在凉爽的夏夜,我常常搬个小板凳坐在天井里偎依在奶奶的身旁看月亮,看着看着就在朦胧的月色中睡着了。In the cool summer night, i always sat on a wooden stool, nestling to my grandma, looking at the moon, and fell in sleep into the land of Nod.

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在体重、体长和相应的各部位比较中,池鹭比白鹭具备更大的生长速度。The nestling of pond heron possessed larger speed than the one of little egret in the growth of the weight, length and the different segments of body.

落日的余晖、虹影和轻雾,今日不再笼罩在村落上了吗?世界上不再有直泻的瀑布、潺潺的流水,和多荫的树木了吗?Are there no rosy sunsets today and no rainbows and no haze nestling over villages, and are there no falling cataracts and gurgling streams and shady trees?

傍山依水,古树森森,秀丽的园林和长江浑然一体,景色雄奇瑰丽。Nestling against a wooded hill and overlooking the Yangtse River, it is now a beautiful park that merges harmoniously into the magnificent riverside scenery.