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原产亚洲的树居型有袋动物…A tree dwelling marsupial of Asian origin.

“我们发现了迄今所知最巨大的有袋动物,”他告诉英国广播公司。"We found the most gigantic marsupial ever known, " he told the BBC.

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明斯特的一所大学的研究小组构建了一株有袋类动物家族的DNA基因树图谱。A University of Muenster team drew up a marsupial family tree based on DNA.

小袋鼠是像袋鼠一样有袋的哺乳类动物并食用含有大量制备的食物。Wallabies are marsupial mammals like kangaroos and eat diets high in vegetation.

他们像有袋类哺乳动物,在育婴袋里抚育幼崽。Like marsupial mammals, Hutts nurse their young Huttlets in special brood pouches.

一种长尾有袋鼠,只有在西澳洲的金伯利来地区才能见到。A long-tailed marsupial mouse, is found only in the Kimberley region of Western Australia.

今天,这种生物被称为袋鼠,一种澳大利亚特有的有袋目哺乳动物。Today, this creature is known as the kangaroo, a widespread marsupial endemic to Australia.

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塔斯马尼亚魔鬼是仅存在于澳大利亚的塔斯马尼亚岛州的一种有袋动物。The Tasmanian Devil is a marsupial that exists only on the Australian island state of Tasmania.

袋狼以塔斯马尼亚虎知名,它是现代社会最知名的食肉有袋动物。Commonly known as the Tasmanian Tiger, the Thylacine was the largest known carnivorous marsupial of modern times.

现在科学家认为已经找到了这种疾病的起源,在这场拯救澳大利亚这种咆哮的有袋动物竞赛中,前进了一步。Now scientists think they've found the disease's origin, a step in the race to save Australia's snarling marsupial.

这样做可能表示与澳洲虎生活得最紧密的亲属应该是另一种称为袋食蚁兽的袋类动物。By doing this, it is possible to show that the tiger's closest living relative is another marsupial called a numbat.

专家说,有袋动物一直是一个四轮驱动车的大小,重达三吨。The plant-eating marsupial would have been the size of a four-wheel drive car and weighed three tonnes, experts say.

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澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚岛上的塔斯马尼亚恶魔是一种凶猛的有袋类动物,有一身黑毛和浓重的气味。The Tasmanian devil lives on the island of Tasmania in Australia and is a fierce marsupial with black fur and a strong smell.

袋獾以强壮的下巴、激烈的尖叫声和贪婪的猎食而闻名,是世界上最大的食肉有袋动物。The devils, known for powerful jaws, fierce screeches and voracious consumption of prey, are the world's largest marsupial carnivores.

然后它拉住绵羊的脖子向后到后面那些巨大的切牙上。而这是一只体型相对较小的袋狮的头骨。It's pulled the neck of the animal back into those massive slicing teeth at the back. And this is a relatively small marsupial lion skull.

全世界最小的有袋动物只不过45毫米,小到待其完全长大时还能够舒舒服服地站到一只点心匙上。The smallest marsupial in all the world is but 45mm in length. So small that when fully grown it can stand comfortable in a dessert spoon.

一种长尾有袋鼠,只有在西澳洲的金伯利来地区才能见到。这种胆小的动物几乎从不远离自己的巢穴外出冒险。A long-tailed marsupial mouse, is found only in the Kimberley region of Western Australia. This timid creature rarely ventures for from its nest.

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该化石中心是一个史前珍品阵列的大家庭,陈列品包括树栖鳄鱼,一个食肉有袋袋鼠和狮子的遗骸。It is home to an array of prehistoric treasures, including the remains of a tree-dwelling crocodile, a carnivorous rat kangaroo and a marsupial lion.

目前疾病还在塔斯马尼亚恶魔内部传播,但有研究者担忧别的有袋类物种会被传染。The disease is contained within Tasmanian devils, but there are researchers out there who are afraid that this might also jump into other marsupial species.

南美洲与北方大陆已经隔绝了几千万年,上面住满了有袋类动物,其中还有几种成功的肉食性种类。South America had been isolated from northern landmasses for tens of millions of years and was teeming with marsupial species, including several successful carnivorous varieties.