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他被蜜蜂螫了。He was stung by a bee.

他被黄蜂叮了一下。He was stung by a wasp.

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蜜蜂在他腿上螫人。A bee stung him on the leg.

黄蜂蜇了我的手臂。A wasp stung me on the arm.

他的嘲讽刺激我行动。His taunts stung me to action.

我怎么才能避免上当受骗?How can I avoid getting stung?

她被其中一朵刺了一下。She was stung by one of roses.

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是的,我被蜜蜂蜇过。Yes, I have been stung by a bee.

他的舌头被辛辣食品辣得火烧火燎的。His tongue was stung by hot food.

飞沙打得他的双颊生疼。The blowing sand stung his cheeks.

她四个孩子中有一半都被蛰伤了。Two of her four children were stung.

他的耳朵和手指冻得发痛。His ears and fingers stung with cold.

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他往后一跳,仿佛被什么东西螫了一下似的。He jumped back as if he had been stung.

她说的刻薄话刺伤了他的心。Her sharp words stung him to the quick.

这种想法凄恻伤害了她的傲慢。Her pride stung bitterly at the thought.

又有一次,他差一点被一条黄貂鱼刺伤。And once he was nearly stung by a stingray.

一只落在一朵花上的密蜂螫了一个孩子。A bee setting on a flower has stung a child.

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一只落在一朵花上的密蜂螫了一个孩子。A bee setting on a flower has stung a child.

飞来一蜇命呜呼,六个只剩五。A bumble-bee stung one then there were five.

结果她的朋友被水母踅死了。Her friend is stung by a jellyfish and dies.