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不要再说了,你只会给他帮倒忙。Don't speak, you will do a disservice to him.

这种做法对人类危害非浅。In this it has done mankind a great disservice.

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他通过发明AK对世界造成了一个巨大的伤害。He has done a great disservice to the world by inventing AK.

因为慢慢你会发现你无疑在给你的男性魅力帮倒忙。Because, slowly but surely, you are doing your gender a disservice.

这对于CSPI的服务对象来说反而是一种伤害行为。This does a disservice to the very public for which CSPI purports to serve.

与此同时,USPSTF的建议对多数男性来说相当有害。In the meantime, the USPSTF recommendation is a disservice to the majority of men.

近年来也是蝗虫灾害多发区,蝗虫灾害已成为其农牧业生产重大危害之一。Locust calamity has became one of the grave disservice to agriculture animal husbandry.

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生活中总有人会为你帮倒忙,这时,你不用去责怪别人。Life always someone for you disservice this time, you do not have to blame someone else.

把妇女们的担忧当作歇斯底里误导的反应而置之不理,对她们造成了伤害。To dismiss these women's concerns as a hysterical, misinformed reaction does them a disservice.

找工作时,当你告诉自己会有很多选择时,这对你来说一点帮助都没有。In a job search, if you tell yourself you have a gazillion choices, you do yourself a disservice.

求职者在简历中包含过量的信息是在给自己帮倒忙。Job seekers do themselves a disservice when they send out résumés with more information than they need.

无广告出版物被说成是对公众不利的,或者说在经济上是不可能的。The adless publication is painted either as a disservice to the public, or as an economic impossibility.

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许多SOA从业者都通过“否认集成是SOA真正的原因”来伤害自己和SOA。a lot of SOA people do themselves and SOA a disservice by disavowing integration as a real reason for SOA.

还有,如果这些真的是美国士兵,那么“北约士兵”的称呼真的是大不敬的行为。Also, if these troops were all from USA, then it is a real disservice to describe them as just "NATO" troops.

当你允许别人来影响你,这不仅是对你自己的伤害更是对整个人类的伤害。When you let other people diminish you, you do a disservice not only to yourself but to the whole human race.

我们的工业已帮倒忙本身所指的服务别人承载这种含糊不清的名词“云”。Our industry has done itself a disservice by referring to services someone else hosts by this nebulous term "cloud."

我们开始认为我们这样抵制是错误的并且己经对我们的读者和从业者造成了一定的伤害。I have come to think that we were wrong-headed about resis¬tance and have done a disservice to our readers and practitioners.

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我们将这些债务负担全部转到我们的后代肩上并且没有任何合理的使他们摆脱债务的计划,这么做是对他们的伤害。We're doing a disservice to our children and grandchildren by saddling them with these debts and no reasonable plan for retiring them.

如果你从未咨询过整容医生,也没有参加过“亮相”,那你也许亏待了自己。Those of us who have never consulted a plastic surgeon, much less attended a coming out party, are probably doing ourselves a disservice.

如果高等教育告诉学生成功是轻而易举的,那么大学会给他们带来的是极大的伤害。If students have learned in higher education that success was possible with such little effort, colleges have done them a great disservice.