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教育物化问题的实质是什么?What is the essence of the materialization of education?

这座摩天大楼是他的努力的现实体现。This skyscraper is the solid materialization of his efforts.

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它可以是一种预言,可以是对人类物质文明发展过程中出现的问题的展示。It can be a re-prophecy. It can be a display of the problem of human materialization.

要认识到你的世间经验和环境都是你的信念的物质具体化。Realize that your physical experience and environment is the materialization of your beliefs.

消除物化的主体是无产阶级,无产阶级消除物化是一个漫长的过程。The main power to dissolve materialization was the proletariat, and it is an endless process.

其实,“物化”所体现的更重要的是庄子的“逍遥游”思想。In fact, "Materialization" embodies more Chuang Tzu's ideology of "Peripateticism Experience".

卢卡奇的物化理论对我国的现代化进程有着启迪作用。Lukacs Gyorgy's materialization theory will be helpful to the modernization progress of our country.

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由于具体化的原因,通过这些操作执行的查询通常会有初始延迟。Queries implemented with these operations typically have an initial delay because of materialization.

一个思想或意象的强度大大地决定物化的直接性。The intensity of a thought or image largely determines the immediacy of the physical materialization.

整个四合院格局成了尊卑有等、贵贱有分、男女有别、长幼有序的礼的物化形式,凝聚着深厚的历史文化沉淀。The quadrangle is the materialization form of the Chinese old manners and is enriched with profound historical culture.

个体性的价值实现与普遍性的原则是密不可分的两个方面。The materialization of the value of individuality and the principle of universality cannot be separated from each other.

正在旅行的本身处于维度阶梯的路上,意味消没和然后具体化。The travelling itself is under a way of stepping out of dimensions, which means dematerialization and then materialization.

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分解元素聚合式,解除物质化模式。以吾之名,停止力量的驱动!Break up the Elemental Absorbtion Process, and end the Materialization Mode. By my name, I shall stop the Forces in the air!

介绍了南京航空航天大学图书馆电子阅览室改建的设计方案和技术实现过程。The designs and technical materialization of rebuilding electronic reading room of NUAA library are introduced in this paper.

你必须认识到,它是你的思想、感受和意象的一种物质化,以及是内我形成了这个世界。You are meant to realize that it is a materialization of your thoughts and feelings and images, that the inner self forms that world.

令人目眩的起伏摇摆蜿蜒曲折的迷宫,作为我们深层记忆的视觉,体现质疑我们的人性。This vertiginous contrast of the wavy zigzags way-in and way-out questions our humanity as the materialization of our innermost memory.

在这场危机中,学校教育在推波助澜,扮演着物化人性再生产者的角色。In this crisis, the school education is adding fuel to the flames, playing the role of a reproducer transferring humanity into materialization.

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其次,在制度层面上,通过制度创新,把法治与德治紧密结合追求的共同价值物质化,加强制度建设。Secondly , innovate new systems , integrate rule constitutionally and morally and pursue value materialization and strengthen the system construction.

它作为媒体和中介,将各种素质物化到教学、科研和专业实践活动之中。It reaches various kinds of quality materialization in the teaching, scientific research and professional practice activity as the media and intermediary.

实践创新的对象化形式有物化的新产品、制度化的新关系、主体化的新行为。Practice innovation may have many forms of objectification, such as the materialization as new products, institutionalized new relations and new conduct of subject.