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回水是反复循环。The backwater recirculates.

都离我而去,像秋潭死水一样宁静。Away from me, like autumn as quiet backwater.

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有些人在回水河汊玩水球。Some were playing water-polo in the backwater.

有时候我们溯流而上去大家最喜欢的回河汊办晚会Sometimes we go upstreams to a favourite backwater

在今天,那过去的一潭死水已蜕变为尼亚加拉瀑布。Today the backwater has turned into Niagara Falls.

好啦,咱们的静水湾到了,该在这儿吃午饭了。Here's our backwater at last, where we're going to lunch.

他们瞧不起智力处于停滞状态的人。They look down upon those who live in intellectual backwater.

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不过,在布什总统当政的大部分岁月里,财政部不过是死水一潭。Yet for most of the Bush years the Treasury has been a backwater.

变动回水区河床演变特性。Evolution characteristics of riverbed in fluctuating backwater area.

由于商业模式悬而未决,所有的工作都停滞不前。Because commercial pattern is pendent , all jobs backwater not before.

感染了当地的高烧后,他回到法国治疗。Catching a case of backwater fever, he returned to France to convalesce.

古丽漫无目的地逃往银河系的穷乡僻壤。With no clear objective or direction, Guri fled to the backwater of the galaxy.

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有关北爱尔兰是现代欧洲的一潭死水的说法已经是陈词滥调了。It is a commonplace to say that Northern Ireland is a backwater in modern Europe.

通过对回水阀和补水阀的控制,可实现对水温的调节。Temperature of water can be adjusted by controlling backwater valve and supply valve.

去年从那后水大学毕业后,我每月挣2500美元。I graduated from a backwater college last year and I make about 2500 dollars every month.

然后与右回水孔流来的水汇合,顺着蜗壳流动。Backwater hole and then right to the water flow convergence, the flow along the spiral case.

但是根据希腊罗马时代的标准,朱迪亚算是无足轻重的封闭地区。But by the standards of the Greek and Roman worlds, Judea was a kind of insignificant backwater.

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半深湖-深湖的滞水条件是水下扇得以保存的前提。The precondition that preserves subaqueous fan is the backwater environment of deeper or deep lacus.

将散热片连接至循环水路回水侧,并悬挂在巷道通风处。The heat sink connected to a circulating water backwater side, and hung in the tunnel-ventilated place.

对于当地政府来说,合肥从穷乡僻壤迈向繁华大都市的疯狂长征实在是轻松实惠。For the local government, it's a small price to pay for the city's mad march from backwater to metropolis.