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产于马来半岛和苏门答腊岛的貘。a tapir found in Malaya and Sumatra.

小说的故事情节设定在1940年独立前的马来西亚。The novel is set in pre-independence Malaya , in 1940.

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根据目前所搜集的资料显示,早在十五世纪就有马华穆斯林。There had been Chinese Muslims from early the 15 century in Malaya.

这种清洗行动很快蔓延到马来半岛的其他地方。This purging operation soon found its way into other parts of Malaya as well.

因为世界大战爆发,所以他们与马来亚就失去了联系。Since then contact were lost and severed with Malaya because of the World War.

为什么1962年举行关于与马来亚合并课题的公民投票是必需的?Why was it necessary to hold a referendum in 1962 over the issue of merger with Malaya ?

与H分手一年后,K收到了马来亚大学的通知书。After a year of not being H.'s girlfriend, K. was accepted into the University of Malaya.

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第一章追溯了在第二次世界大战之前,英国对马来亚的殖民统治情况。The first chapter analyzes the British colonial rule in Malaya before the Second World War.

12年后,在锡兰和马来亚的种植园里又种了30多万棵橡胶树。Twelve years later more than 300, 000 ha of rubber grew in plantations in Ceylon and Malaya.

后来,锡兰成为计划中收复马来亚和新加坡行动的重要基地。Later, Ceylon would become an important base for the planned re-taking of Malaya and Singapore.

李宝平博士为马来亚大学中国研究中心的高级研究员。Dr. Lee Poh Ping is a Senior Research Fellow in the Institute of China Studies, University of Malaya.

它是梵语文学中的马拉雅山地带,产小豆蔻蔓和檀香树。It is the tract of the Malaya Hills of Sanskrit literature where grow the cardamum creeper and the Sandal Tree.

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18世纪末期开始在马来亚建立势力,并夺取好望角、锡兰和马尔他。From the late 18th century it began to build power in Malaya and acquired the CAPE of Good Hope, Ceylon, and Malta.

地理试题包括画一张马来亚主要河流地图,五条问题,每题用三四句去答。Geography consisted of a map of the main rivers of Malaya and five questions to be answered in three or four sentences each.

陈纳德强调说,此次行动将阻止日军进入马来亚,新加坡,荷属东印度群岛和菲律宾群岛。The raids, Chennault insisted, would forestall Japanese expansion into Malaya , Singapore, the Dutch East Indies, and the Philippines.

五个州组成马来西亚联邦。其中四个是马来亚、文莱、砂劳越和新加坡。第五个是谁?Five states were to comprise the Federation of Malaysia. Four of them were Malaya , Brunei, Sarawak and Singapore. Which was the fifth?

在第二次世界大战期间,日本在马来亚的战争中用武力侵犯了马来半岛和周围的地区,这一战争在新加坡战役达到顶点。During World War II, Japanese forces invaded Malaya and the surrounding region in the Battle of Malaya, culminating in the Battle of Singapore.

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从1942年2月新加坡被日本占领到1944年4月,英国政府对战后马来亚统治形式的决策基本成型。From February 1942 to May 1944, the British Government's policy towards Malaya had been made, but the decision-making process was confidential.

我之所以为我,是因为一个世纪前,中国南方一个11岁的孩子跳上一艘纵帆船,来到英属马来西亚,在果园里工作。I am who I am because a century ago an 11-year-old leapt onto a schooner in South China and landed on British Malaya to work the fruit orchards.

在本法通过并实施后,所有在怀俄明州白人与黑人,黑白混血儿,蒙古人,马来人的婚姻,是为非法并且失效。All marriage of white persons and Negros, Mulattos, Mongolians, or Malaya hereafter contracted in the State of Wyoming is shall be illegal and void.