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现在是我们改正错误的时候了。Now is the time that we correct the wrongness.

错误的信号在博文的题目中。The clue to the wrongness is in the title of the blog.

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这展示了你不明白错误是什么。And that just shows you don't understand what wrongness is.

有一些观点认为,在决定行为是否具有错误性中,恐惧也要被考虑其中。Fear may be a consideration in determining the wrongness of acts, in some views.

宇宙并不会区分或辨别你的要求的正确或错误。The Universe is not discriminating about the rightness or the wrongness of your request.

他也没有给我们一个规则来调节显见正当和显见不当之间的平衡。Nor does he give us a rule for determining the 'balance' of prima facie rightness over wrongness.

仍然有很多美国人在正确与错误中挣扎。Still, some Americans are wrestling with the rightness and wrongness of the party-like responses.

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相比他的谋略选择,他新找来的悔意对他所犯的过错一点用处也没有。And his new-found sorrow has to do less with the wrongness of what he did than with his tactical choices.

现在很多人还是抱有传统道德观,在看待未成年人性生活问题上,先认为是错误的,然后不可公开讨论。Many still measure sexual activity among teens by traditional moral calipers, and its wrongness is not open to debate.

小时候,当一群人在玩游戏,其中一位朋友改变了游戏规则,这种不公正的感觉,谁能不记得呢?Who among us doesn't remember the feeling of wrongness when a childhood friend changed the rules in the middle of a game?

清政府的守约方针及其失误,给后人留下深刻的教训和启示。The Qing government's policy of adhering to treaties, and the wrongness of it, have left a profound lesson for later generations.

然而,封条仍然打破,世界仍然充斥着魔鬼和上帝知道什么可怕的遗传不正当性的其他类型。However, the seals were still broken, and the world remained flooded with demons and god knows what other kinds of horrific genetic wrongness.

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在规范意义上使用“正当性”的时候,我们从是非的角度评价某个行为或者制度,并给出一定论断。When we use "legitimacy" in the normative sense, we are making assertions about some aspect of the rightness or wrongness of some action or institution.

如果你目睹了一场谋杀,你会立刻意识到谋杀是错的,你来不及想谋杀的错误性是眼睛看不见的。If you witnessed a murder you’d be so imme­diately aware of itswrongness that you wouldn’t realize that its wrongness is not something you canactually see.

当前,不仅要讨论具体卫生政策的正误,更需要讨论卫生政策形成机制中存在的问题。At present it is imperative to discuss not only the rightness or wrongness of specific health policies but moreover the problems in the mechanisms of health policy formulation.

患者外伤后因不良医疗因素的介入导致伤情恶化或死亡所引发的医疗纠纷案例在目前较多见。At present, there were many cases of medical tangle that deteriorated condition of injury or death which caused by wrongness medical treatment factors intervention after the trauma treatment.