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上帝,作为问题的答案,超越了可知事物的领域。God, the answer, transcends the universe of knowable things.

此外,有些内容到运行时才能知道。In addition, some items are just not knowable until runtime.

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我们有这种聪明的幻觉,就是世界是个可认知的地方。We have this clever illusion that the world is a knowable place.

所有这些事情都是可知的、确定的,但又是模糊而朦胧的。All of these things are knowable and definable and yet obscured and opaque.

还有另外的办法证明雪佛龙便宜,这个办法更好懂。There is another way, though, that Chevron is cheap, one that is more knowable.

可知21世纪末将出现时空机,人们将纷纷回到过去。The 21st century will appear knowable space-time machine, people will have back into the past.

甚至在最关键的马尔科姆孩童时代,文学性描述依然远远超出了众所周知的事实。The literary urge outran the knowable facts even in the most crucial episode in Malcolm's childhood.

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预言要求逻辑上的跳跃性,也没有必要建立在已知或可知的信息上。Predictions require a leap in logic and are not necessarily based on known or knowable current in-formation.

像一只饥渴的鸟儿,我饥饮着知识的雨露,支持着我飞往知识的每一个角落。Like a thirsty bird, I hungrily drink the drops of knowledge, which sustain my flight to each knowable place.

那么就有一个解决方案了——设定一个可变的边界,但是这个边界是多少,并不需要知道。The solution can therefore be altered to say there is a fixed boundary, but they are not necessarily knowable.

这些政策的效果可以预测,但最直接清楚的效果莫过于日用品的价格变化。These policies will have some predictable effects. But the most direct and knowable effect relate to commodities.

而对怪咖们来说事情本应是透明的可知的系统化的,这就对怪咖们的行为准则造成了巨大侵犯。That is a huge violation to the geek ethic, where you're supposed to be transparent and knowable and systematized.

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爱因斯坦信仰斯宾诺莎的上帝,他把它等同于自然自身,但他始终坚持这个“上帝”是完全可知的。Einstein believed in Spinoza's God, which he equated with nature itself, but he always held this "God" to be entirely knowable.

爱因斯坦信仰斯宾诺莎的上帝,他把它等同于自然自身,但他始终坚持这个“上帝”是完全可知的。Einstein believed in Spinoza's God, which he equated with nature itself, but he always held this "God" to be entirely knowable.

其它家具如桌、案、凳等,也可看出这些特点,仅看粗壮的腿便可知其特色。Other furniture is like desk, case, stool to wait, also can see these characteristics, see brawny leg only knowable its characteristic.

家冢“是他创作的极限之作,一个无能的工人让一个可知的世界,一个安全的世界存在。Well, "Home Burial" is a poem about the limits of work, the inability of the worker to bring a knowable world, a safe world, into being.

按照定义,以人类线性化化学运作的动物大脑是无法想象奇点之后的未来,但库兹韦尔正在不断以理论充实这幅未来的未来画卷。By definition, the future beyond the Singularity is not knowable by our linear, chemical, animal brains, but Kurzweil is teeming with theories about it.

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在那次采访中,施密特还说,“我认为,在这个一切信息都可获取、知晓并随时被每个人记录下来的年代里,社会其实并不了解发生了什么事情。”In that same interview, Schmidt said, "I don't believe society understands what happens when everything is available, knowable and recorded by everyone all the time.

可知属性是宇宙一切事物的客观本性,但具有可知属性的事物不可能都转化为现实的可知之物。Knowability is the objective nature of all the things in the universe, but not all the things with knowability can be transformed into the knowable things in reality.

考虑到子系统间关联项的重要作用,在子系统间关联项可知的情况下,提出一种新的考虑问题的思路。In consideration of the important function of the interconnected terms, under the condition of the connection item knowable , a new idea for solving such problem was put forward.