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它使一个恋童癖人性化。It humanizes a pedophile.

你知道你跟一个恋童癖住在一起吗?Are you aware you're living with a pedophile ?

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如果你的孩子的辅导员是士吉欧?What if your child's counselor was a pedophile ?

7岁时,因一个恋童癖者的行为,玛格·弗拉戈索失去了童年的天真。At age 7, Margaux Fragoso lost her childhood innocence to the actions of a pedophile.

因25年前对恋童癖牧师的处理方法,他本人也受到批评。He was himself subject to criticism over his handling of a pedophile priest case 25 years ago.

除了连环杀人犯和食人魔,他还是个变态、猖狂的恋童癖者。Besides being an admitted serial killer and cannibal, he was also a rampant pedophile and a deviant.

按照我们现时的术语定义,他极可能是一个想方设法控制自己性冲动的娈童癖者。According to our present terminology, he was probably a pedophile who managed to control his sexual impulses.

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过去的一个月来,许多权贵恋童网络下的受害者联系了我。Many victims of the same VIP pedophile network that I described to police have contacted me in the past month.

调查组怀疑一个恋童癖谋杀了一名FBI探员的妻子并绑架了他的孩子。The CSIs set out to track down a pedophile suspected of murdering an FBI agents wife and kidnapping his children.

那个读者称我为有恋童癖的牧师,使我非常好奇牧师是如何得到经济酬劳的,决定调查一番。As a side note, the reader who called me a pedophile priest made me curious enough to research how priests were financially remunerated.

这是多个国家披露神父虐童丑闻引发国际抗议以来罗马方面做出的首次官方回应。It was the first official reaction in Rome to a chorus of international protest of revelations about pedophile priest scandals in a number of countries.

楼本斯在很小的时候曾被一个恋童癖的人侵犯过,并且屡次遭到性侵犯,直到被一个美国家庭带走,上了孤儿学校。Lopez was picked up by a pedophile while still young, and was repeatedly raped before he was taken away by an American family and enrolled in a school for orphans.

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在傍晚祷告仪式后的演说中,教宗谴责美国对于足以动摇教会之丑闻的不当处理。In a speech delivered after evening prayer, the pope berated U. S. bishops for their poor handling of the decades-long pedophile priest scandal that has rocked the church.

在大多数病例,娈童癖者对儿童的性兴趣仍旧积重难返,但是,如果他学会控制自己的性冲动,而且不触犯法律的底线,这也被认为是一个能够让人接受的结果。In most cases, the pedophile 's sexual interest in children remains, but if he learns to control his impulses and to stay clear of the law, one considers it an acceptable outcome.

如果检察官可以收取运费他的书护胫,他们会问,什么会阻止面临销售弗拉基米尔纳博科夫的“洛丽塔”是一部有关一个恋童癖小说起诉书店?If prosecutors can charge Greaves for shipping his book, they ask, what would prevent booksellers from facing prosecution for selling Vladimir Nabokov's "Lolita, " a novel about a pedophile?

访问马尔他期间,教皇本笃告诉一些恋童癖神父的受害者,教堂将在权力允许的范围内,尽最大努力为受害者伸张正义。During his visit to Malta, Pope Benedict has told a group of alleged victims of pedophile priests that the Church will do everything in its power to secure justice for those who've suffered abuse.