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而且我视伦敦为饪界的麦嘉圣地!Also I see London as a kind of culinary Mecca!

这是节假日烹调创意的主色调。It's the palette of holiday culinary creativity.

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烹饪艺术大展是个属于世界的视窗。Culinary art exhibitions are a world-wide window.

著名烹饪专家简·伍尔文博士说。Said the renowned culinary expert, Dr. Jane Woolwin.

在我看来,下厨房总是趣味盎然。I have always found culinary experiments interesting.

迷迭香是一种烹饪用药草,也用于精油。Rosemary is a culinary herb as well as essential oil.

但取笑厨房里的灵丹妙药一直发展缓慢。But teasing out the culinary panacea has been slow going.

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这里展示的是苏联时代甚至更远古的烹饪杰作。Masterpieces of the culinary art of the Soviet era and more.

阿专员是一个入门级的地位,烹饪行业。A commis is an entry level position in the culinary industry.

正如法国著名美食街,巴黎是资本。As France is known for culinary delights, Paris is the capital.

实质上,顺兴还是一座文化和厨艺的圣地。Shun Xing is also a cultural and culinary destination in itself.

末在烹饪术语中是指把菜切或者剁成很小的碎片。Mince, in culinary terms, means to cut or chop into small pieces.

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告诉你的朋友你品尝过上海最顶级的美食。Tell your friends you partook of Shanghai's greatest culinary joy.

在帝都酒店参观时,准备美食佳肴。Prepare for a culinary delicacy when visiting The Royal Park Hotel.

建议厨房用蒸气只用于食品应用。The Culinary steam recommendations apply to food applications only.

冷罗宋汤在德系犹太人的烹饪传统中较常见。Cold borscht is common to the culinary traditions of Ashkenazi Jews.

规则和「世厨协会冷盘」规则对「烹饪奥运」也是一样有效的。As with the Culinary Olympics, the I-lot and Cold WACS Criteria apply.

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事实上,你可以考虑他们必不可少的妇女委员会的饮食景观。In fact, you could consider them essential to WNC's culinary landscape.

当然除了咖啡外圣玛尔塔能提供的厨房美食还有更多。Of course there’s more to Santa Marta’s culinary offerings than coffee.

在3万英呎高空中,享受最美好的高级餐馆用餐服务。Enjoy finest restaurant-style setting and culinary service at 30,000 ft.