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在每粒蒲公英种子的末端。On the end of every dandelion seed.

摘一个已经结子的蒲公英。Pick a dandelion that has gone to seed.

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或者像结荚的蒲公英被一扫而空。Or as a dandelion see-pod and be swept away.

风吹散了蒲公英的种子。The wind puffed away the seeds of the dandelion.

就像儿时,拿起蒲公英的细须。Just as a child and picked up the dandelion to be fine.

很需要珎,就像蒲公英需要微风。Very need you, just like the dandelion need the breeze.

我不被允许像一只独居枝头的薄公英那样闲坐。I am not allowed to sit like a dandelion on my own stem.

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巨浪把风之帆船打散了,蒲公英沉入了海中。The wind scattered the ships sank into the sea, dandelion.

现在,蒲公英只剩下一根花柄了,她像刚刚收起来的,一把小伞的柄。Now, only a dandelion Huabing, just like her close up, a Xiaosan the stalk.

蒲公英在蔚蓝的天空下,乘着风之帆船,划向远方。Dandelion on blue sky, flying with the wind the sailing ship, paddling away.

为了满足甜蜜的味觉,看看这个可怕的蒲公英糖浆食谱。To satisfy the sweeter taste buds, check out this awesome recipe for Dandelion syrup.

我走到孩子们中间,丽洁把攥紧的小手松开了,原来是一颗蒲公英种子。I walked to the children, the clenched hands loosen Lijie, originally is a dandelion seed.

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种子在萌发过程中对高低温有一定的耐受能力。Chinese dandelion seed has certain tolerant ability to high or low germination temperature.

紫罗兰和蒲公英是在三月处可见的娇嫩的春花。The violet and the dandelion are dainty spring flowers, which could be seen in early March.

蒲公英感兴趣的就是决不能放过任何一个可以繁衍的机会或者地方。The dandelion just wants to be sure that every single opportunity for reproduction is exploited!

英国馆的设计富有想象,中国人亲切地称它为“蒲公英”。The UK Pavilion has an imaginative design and is affectionately known as "dandelion" by the Chinese.

有些被子植物的种子有蛛丝般的翅膀,例如蒲公英和乳草属植物的种子。In some angiosperm the seeds are equipped with gossamer wings, like the dandelion and milkweed seeds.

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一些被子植物的种子是被轻飘飘的翅膀所装备的,像是蒲公英和乳草类植物的种子。In some angiosperm the seeds are equipped with gossamer wings, like the dandelion and milkweed seeds.

英国展馆以奇特的“蒲公英”造型成为上海世博会的一个夺目的亮点。The extraordinary "dandelion" design of Britain's pavilion at the Shanghai Expo excites strong views.

这个美丽的蒲公英领域我在法兰克瑞士拍摄于2006年5月1日。This beautiful dandelion field I photographed in the Franconian Switzerland on 1 May 2006. Enjoy the view.